It's hard to estimate the costs and benefits of making different choices.
The life is hard for my father: my mother died years ago, and now his children are far from home, our selfish choices taking us from one end of the country to the other.
Welcome to the "hard half" of parenting: Here are some changes you can expect and some choices you should make.
In Libya, another war of choice, you are now confronted with many of the same contradictions, impossible choices, and hard decisions that these other conflicts pose.
It's hard to imagine making some of the choices he does about what personal information enters the public domain.
But it's what we must do, precisely because the task of solving America's problems will be hard. It will require tough choices, and it will require sacrifice.
For instance, dysfunctional wealthy people who find it hard to cope with the challenges, changes and choices of life is not that hard to find.
But Mr Obama has done himself no favours by fudging the hard budget choices which must ultimately be made.
Without enough sleep, it may be hard to be active or to make good food choices.
And since buyers have so many choices (and much more perfect information about pricing and availability) it's hard to charge extra.
One can succeed in any field with enough work, therefore hard work and persistence are more important than choices.
Once you form the habits for your choices, they will be as hard to break as your former ones.
I wanted them to make the right choices, to work hard and not lose sight of a dream. And I wanted them to know that someone is always watching.
Faced with this untidy set of choices, a sensible philosophy would not make hard-and-fast judgments about what businesses belong together.
Although choices may be very hard in some cases, he believes that where there is choice, it is both moral and respectful to the actor to hold the actor responsible.
Freedom is a bit like having choices: too many, and it's hard to know what to do.
It was the result of tough choices we made, and the result of your hard work and resilience.
She is overly critical of her daughter, constantly giving her a hard time about everything from Monica's career choices to her taste in clothes and men.
It's always hard to face choices or sacrifice. But if you don't put them aside, you will get more depressed, which makes things worse.
Choices can be hard. You can seduce yourself with your gifts if you're not careful, and if you do, it'll probably be to the detriment of your choices.
In the village, in the family, in school, between the classmate, are hard to avoid can produce misunderstanding, people have different choices of different moral!
With so many other good choices out there, many even cheaper, it's hard to recommend these kicks.
Buildings with the strong points of high value, hard to move, conceal and damage are always the first choices in the property-protection cases deputized by the attorneys.
Buildings with the strong points of high value, hard to move, conceal and damage are always the first choices in the property-protection cases deputized by the attorneys.