Tell them to "batten down the hatches" because there's a HARD RAIN coming.
The key factors of the regional storm and hard rain are the input capacity of low-level moisture.
The relationship among the duration the area and the depth of the hard rain is a important research subject in hydrometeorology.
According to the trend line formula of empirical and the chart of the spacial interpolation of hard rain parameter, maximum discharge of ungaged basins are confirm.
When the rainstorm came, it began to rain hard and the wind blew strongly.
No matter how hard the rain falls and the wind blows, the police keep to their posts.
This cooling liquid formed a very hard rock known as granite. Many centuries of rain caused huge rivers to move violently through this area.
As the rain fell hard I checked in for another night and settled down contentedly in front of the television.
Many people in the country have been hit hard by spiralling food prices, which in some cases have doubled over the last year, mostly because of damage caused by heavy monsoon rain.
Fanpu the words on the wood board exposed to the wind and rain are hard to identify.
To save much money and take care of their family members, they are working hard all the time. (Rain or shine).
We spread the blankets inside, and ate our dinner there. Soon it got dark and began to rain. The wind blew hard, too.
Regardless of wind and rain, regardless of the obstacles, there are you in silently support and guide me, the teacher you hard, students will always bless you.
"Nonsense. Cloudless sky no rain, no underground medium hard to get married. It can not by you." Wang Shihou put down his son mouth smoke.
Autumn rain showers over the place, everywhere, under a clear engraving one song after another in exchange for the sweat and hard work of harvest poem!
The long-tongued Magpie wanted to stir up again. "How hard you fly back and forth to carry wood in the wind and rain!"
I have never seen so much changing in weather and so heavy rain before I moved to China, in Norway we also have rain, but very seldom so hard as here.
It was hard; rain or no rain, it would still only be in the high forties, if we were lucky.
We'd worked hard all morning, but it began to rain soon after noon, so we decided to shut up shop and go home.
I am in Nanning now. It rained hard last night and this morning. Streets were flooded, but now the rain has stopped.
A small boy and his nature science teacher were having a walk in the country when it suddenly began to rain very hard.
Where fell from where to stand, there must be a rainbow after the rain, I believe that as long as I work hard, will succeed.
They were working very hard in the heavy rain wearing waterproof clothing.
They were working very hard in the heavy rain wearing waterproof clothing.