It's hard to be sure, say those who study the matter, because many Japanese couples, when polled, describe their marriage as a love match even if it was arranged.
They work hard to be sure that tall tree, glimmering waters, snow-capped mountains and fresh air are there to welcome you.
But it is hard to be sure that the projects might not have materialised anyway, and the outfits can seem like gravy trains for local worthies.
It's going to be hard to have the amount of money necessary to invest in new technologies if we don't have the money to spend, and therefore we need to make sure our economies are vibrant.
Sure, you can go out all night partying, but it’s going to be hard to make the 8:30 class the next morning.
That's how we'll make sure we keep that fundamental American promise - that if you work hard and act responsibly, you'll be able to pass on a better life to your kids and grandkids.
Sure, it sounds obvious, but think hard about whether you're going to be comfortable with the local standard of living, lifestyle, and even weather.
It would not be hard to write such a reader, and I am sure this will happen in time (perhaps by me or one of my readers).
So despite the latest proclamation, it's still hard to say for sure if SP1 will be a 2010 or a 2011 deliverable.
It's hard to guess what the future will be like, but we can be sure it will be like the past in caring nothing for present fashions.
But because current monetary and fiscal policy is so far outside the bounds of historical norms, it's hard for anyone to be sure.
If you want to be sure of a seat, your best bet is the low-light, two-story Constellation 2, which evokes an older Shanghai without trying too hard.
Coming from a star who has worn a dress made entirely of meat, exactly what the column will be about is hard to say, but we can be sure it won't be how to match your handbag and shoes.
I was told the physical signs of dwarfism would be hard to detect at five months old, and I may have to wait until he was two to be sure.
我从这里知道侏儒症的体征在孩子5个月大的时候是无法检测的。 我可能不得不等到他两岁的时候。
We worked through everything from the soft to the hard tyre very quickly, and we can see that for sure it will be a tough race for the tyres if the temperatures are like this.
Generally, people are hard to predict. China becoming another Superpower may turn out to be either bad or good... or both; only time can tell for sure.
You're sure to notice many inefficiencies, so it won't be hard to find areas for improvement.
So be sure to remember that time can be turned into money only with hard work involved in it.
Its going to be hard to have the amount of money necessary to invest in new technologies if we dont have the money to spend, and therefore we need to make sure our economies are vibrant.
When you give some of your hard earned cash to a rider you can be sure it all goes to the right place.
There are some very comfortable lounges. Just make sure you set an alarm as the temptation to doze off could be hard to resist.
Can anyone point me to a clearer explanation of how to go about doing this? I'm sure it can't be as hard as it seems.
Can anyone point me to a clearer explanation of how to go about doing this? I'm sure it can't be as hard as it seems.