That was my first thought, because I thought it'd give me some practical examples, but when I searched for men's clothing on the Internet there were hardly any articles.
It happened sometimes that there were hardly any nouns left in the hymns that Peter read.
There are shattered Windows. Hardly any of the Windows are left standing.
The best explanation, Sharp says, is that there was hardly any hydrogen in the moon's magma ocean.
But the migrants who arrive in the back of lorries and huddled in small boats are unskilled. For them, there are hardly any legal tracks across borders.
You likely noticed that there is hardly any HTML in Listing 5.
Today the young people in East Germany would prefer to stay at home. Many of them must leave, however, because there are hardly any prospects for them in many regions of the former East.
The terrible dearth of information, the fictionalisation of our experience, there is hardly any gay autobiography, just novels, but why novelise it when the best of it is in our lives?
If they happen to work in a lab where there are other Chinese graduate students then there is often hardly any need to interact with Americans.
Blachevelle is very stingy; there are hardly any green peas in the market; one does not know what to eat. I have the spleen, as the English say, butter is so dear!
Of course, he knew that back when he took the tests, there was hardly an honest answer on any of the psychological tests.
Because electricity is in short supply, there are hardly any lights at all — a couple of bulbs here and there, and the headlights of passing buses.
Sure, it's broken down into bullet points, but the font is small and there are hardly any images to differentiate between the items.
The beneficiaries and the donors are at the other ends of the chain - there is hardly any contact between those two ends.
There were hardly any dropped calls and the call quality was pretty solid – I am guessing that it is thanks to both the radio engineering and the network.
At that latitude there is hardly any twilight or dawn, and that morning the river, wide and deep, was of molten lead.
Hilarious, since I had been there half an hour before and there was hardly any breakfast left at all.
If green plants should disappear some day, there would hardly be any life on the earth.
There is hardly any activity, any mingyan. gushiwen. org enterprise , which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet which fails so regularly, as love. ------erich fromm.
The first thing that really grinds my gears is that there are hardly any labels or explanations.
There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet which fails so regularly, as love. ------erich fromm.
There is hardly any activity, any enterprise, which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations, and yet which fails so regularly, as love. ------erich fromm.