For the Chinese, they thought drinking boiled water was the easiest way to protect themselves from the harmful bacteria.
Healthy lungs produce a natural antibiotic that protects them from infection by routinely killing harmful bacteria on airway surfaces.
Though the precise harm to our bodies remains unknown, concerns include the microplastics themselves, as well as the fact that they absorb a range of harmful bacteria.
Boiling water kills harmful bacteria and parasites.
It purified the air, killing harmful bacteria.
These can introduce harmful bacteria directly to your spine.
Instead, he is making it softer and also killing harmful bacteria.
Computer keyboards can harbour more harmful bacteria than a lavatory seat, it has been claimed.
Xylitol fights bacteria, especially the most harmful bacteria that can be found in our mouths.
The sooner you chill food, the sooner any harmful bacteria that may be in it will stop multiplying.
Studies have repeatedly found unacceptably high levels of harmful bacteria in street food products.
As raw beef contains harmful bacteria, it needs to be cooked tat least seventy-one degrees before it is safe to eat.
Another strategy aims to render harmful bacteria incapable of infecting people, rather than killing the germs outright.
Considered to be "good" intestinal bacteria, microbiota protect against harmful bacteria and help the body absorb nutrients.
Probiotics are often called 'friendly bacteria' because they help with digestion and protect against some types of harmful bacteria.
Kimchi has antibiotic functions as lactic acid bacteria produced in the process of fermentation suppresses growth of harmful bacteria.
Our bodies normally handle small doses of bacteria in food, but what can give you food poisoning is large Numbers of harmful bacteria.
Showering may be bad for your health, say US scientists, who have shown that dirty shower heads can deliver a face full of harmful bacteria.
However, if the marinade used on raw meat or poultry is to be reused, make sure to let it come to a boil first to destroy any harmful bacteria.
Furthermore, spending your lunch hour at your desk can lengthen the time you are physically inactive and also expose you to harmful bacteria.
The evaporation process creates a drop in temperature of several degrees. This cools the inner pot and helps keep food safe from harmful bacteria.
But before avoiding your favorite meat dish, consider the fact that most harmful bacteria can be killed by cooking meats at appropriate temperatures.
Hand: Sterilization daily, 30 seconds 100% kill more than 600 kinds of harmful bacteria, simple and easy to use, not drug-free stimulus-free wash.
The reason for power washing is to rid the egg's exterior of any harmful bacteria — salmonella is the big fear here — by rinsing off all organic matter.
Having a tip that's sharp or full of pencil fragments can tear the delicate rim of the eyes or expose you to harmful bacteria, causing a potential eye infection.
So the next time you have a cold, remember your mucus — along with the phage virus — is hard at work to make you healthy and keep those harmful bacteria away.
So the next time you have a cold, remember your mucus — along with the phage virus — is hard at work to make you healthy and keep those harmful bacteria away.