36 we hold hands, has been moving forward, the road, as if there is no end. Suddenly, you.
Normal logic has been moving forward towards dynamic logic from static logic in the last 50 years.
Will not respect to your feelings; i feel that she feels, jostled by the time has been moving forward.
It is recommended to use the way the table has been moving forward, so that it is good for your watch.
On one hand Sega has been moving forward with new franchises like Valkyria Chronicles and Sands of Destruction. On the other, well at least in the USA, Sega seems interested in their past.
The interior secretary, Ken Salazar, visited the Grand Canyon and drew on its history to urge patience, caution and humility in moving forward with what has been a controversial process.
Moving forward, Ms. Krumm concluded, will require East Asian countries to consider the seven point agenda that has been developed from the research as guidance for countries (attached).
Based on a bionics principle, a new type of wall climbing robot design has been put forward with good obstacle surmounting abilities and high moving speed.
In order to satisfy the requirement of high accuracy rotation speed measurement in moving systems, the concept of virtual coder has been put forward.
A kind of technique for detection of multiple moving objects based on fussy clustering and Kalman filtering was brought forward, and has been applied to vehicle detection and tracking.
Pluto, the planet of our shadow sides, has been going backwards since April 2010 and since it is such a slow moving planet, it is going to take two days for it to reverse to forward motion.
In recent years, the study of cohesion theory has been rich and rewarding, and the prospects for moving forward seem exciting and enchanting.
In recent years, the study of cohesion theory has been rich and rewarding, and the prospects for moving forward seem exciting and enchanting.