The freezer has compact structure, smooth lines and luxurious appearance.
The heating cabinet has compact structure, smooth lines and luxurious appearance.
The freezer has compact structure, smooth lines, luxurious appearance and Japanese style.
And has compact structure, the expansion of portfolio of simple, long life, less maintenance expenditure and so on.
The new mechanism presented here can be used for robot arm; it has compact structure and can be easily modularized.
The invention has compact structure and fewer wires, to prolong the service life by reducing the impact on motor when changing states.
Themicrostrip—lumped hybrid circuit is applied. This amplifier has compact structure, small size, stable performance and convenient tuning.
Robot SR50 has compact structure, big working space, high accuracy wrist, high running speed, stable performance and flexible installment ways.
The utility model greatly prolongs the service life of the ozone generator and has compact structure, easy production and beautiful appearance.
臭氧浓度高,臭氧发生器寿命大大延长,结 构紧凑,制作容易,外观美观。
Each component has compact structure, rational layout. Its outstanding characteristic is easy operation, use safety, good sealing and little noise.
The machine has compact structure, small volume, light weight, high efficiency, less consumption, and is very helpful in the maintenance and repair.
Moreover, a conveying line only occupies factory building space above a spraying booth, and the conveying device has compact structure and low costs.
The motor has compact structure and can simplify the structure of a machinery drive system when being used in change drive or multi-position drive machinery.
Based on the research on many kinds of tying machine, a new type automatic bar tying machine is designed. It has compact structure, easy operation and maintenance.
The packing box has compact structure, high intensity, easy processing, and rapid and convenient installation, and can save material and storage and transportation cost.
Phase change thermal control has been widely used in thermal control of electronic devices recently because it has compact structure, reliable performance and energy-saving property.
The calcinator has compact structure, small resistance, high efficiency and low cost, and can be widely applied in industries, such as building materials and environment protection and the like.
The protection device has compact structure, high reliability, friendly man machine interface, powerful communicating function and can be used in all kinds of UHV transmission line protection system.
This die has many advantages such as with compact structure, easy to machine, smooth in working, easy to operate and with high production efficiency.
It is shown that the testing machine has advantages of low production cost, compact structure, high accuracy, stable and reliable, high efficiency, energy saving, and low noise, etc.
VSI-based SVG using PWM technology has some advantages such as compact structure, simple control, little harmonics and high power density.
基于电压源逆变器(V S I)的静止无功发生器(SVG)直接应用PWM控制技术,具有结构紧凑、易于控制、谐波含量小以及功率密度大等优点。
This steering valve has the advantages of compact structure, easy processing, better function, flexible installation, etc.
This product has the ability to hit breaking, safe, reliable, long life, frequent operation, compact structure, small size, light weight, the basic need maintenance.
Stirling cryocoler with two opposite pistons driven linearly is described in the paper, The crycooler has the characteristics of small vibration, compact structure, low noise and high reliability.
Microstrip hairpin filter has been widely used in the lower microwave frequencies for its compact structure and easiness of manufacture.
Heat transfer in narrow channel has lots of advantages such as compact structure, low heat transfer temperature difference and high efficiency and so on.
Experimental results show that the system has a compact structure and good dynamic and static characteristics.
Product has advantages such as compact structure, save space and perfect design. The products have got China CCC certificate and Europe ce certificate.
Product has advantages such as compact structure, save space and perfect design. The products have got China CCC certificate and Europe ce certificate.