Flood water has positive effect on improving environmental conditions of river basin.
The results imply that job satisfaction has positive effect on subjective well-being.
Favorable organizational climate has positive effect on employees knowledge sharing behavior.
The TMT salary mechanism has begun to work in Chinese listed company, and it has positive effect on firm performance.
On the basis of N and P fertilizers, application of the multiple element compound has positive effect on yield in the acid soils.
Conclusion gastritis mixture has positive effect in the treatment of bile reflux gastritis. It can enhance the immune function of organism.
Conclusion Psychological training has positive effect on the mental health of college students in short term, but has no effect on personality.
The results suggest that the fiscal decentralization has positive effect on the economic growth, and the effect are different in the three areas.
Through this empirical analysis, we find that patent strategy of new and high-tech enterprises has positive effect on achieving foreign trade competitiveness.
The result shows that Russia's housing security system has positive effect in terms of alleviating the contradiction between the housing market and population.
Customer participation in house decoration has positive effect on customer satisfaction and behavior intention, and the personal interaction is the main factor.
The springs are coated by anticorrosive coating or made of stainless steel materials, which ensures good line contact and has positive effect on driving safety.
Product performance, durability, ease of use, prestige, efficiency, reliability, responsiveness and privacy of website has positive effect on recreational value respectively.
The positive impact of liquidity surplus has positive effect upon the output, and it is long-run effect, i. e. the liquidity surplus promotes output to increase in a long run.
The above structural requirement in graduates' thesis has positive effect on bringing up the research ability, securing research methods and holding proper attitude towards scientific research.
Research indicates that positive reinforcement motivates and has a greater effect on learning than criticism.
Humor has a positive psychological effect when we are in difficulties.
This has the positive effect of increasing the overall functionality and of stabilizing the reliability of the application over time.
This result supports previous findings that some negative emotion has a positive effect on behavior modification because patients care more about their disease.
Such appointments may not only win female readers, but also have a positive effect on journalism, ratheras Ms Merkel has done on the political culture.
这样的任命不但会赢得女性读者,而且在新闻界也会起到积极的作用。 就像默克尔女士给政坛带来的启发一样。
Although a formal environmental impact assessment has not yet been done, it should not be assumed that thiomersal-free presentations of vaccines will yield a positive net effect on the environment.
If it means that the effect of a transformation in one's career has a direct correlation to a positive impact on society, then that needs to be celebrated.
No matter what your age, mental exercise has a global, positive effect on the brain. So, here are 22 ways to boost your brain power.
"Staying positive is really important, right down to the effect it has on your immune system," Dr. Lyubomirsky says.
Managers can then make changes according to reasoning and advice and then assess whether later panel manipulation has had a positive effect or not.
Two years into the deepest recession in seven decades, there are signs that market Darwinism has had an unexpectedly positive effect on the business.
Two years into the deepest recession in seven decades, there are signs that market Darwinism has had an unexpectedly positive effect on the business.