In China has proven reserves of bauxite, a water bauxite accounts for about 98% of total reserves.
Only has proven reserves of mineral resources in, there are 13 kinds of metallic minerals and 29 kinds of non-metallic minerals.
Though Chevron of America has rights to the only block where large proven reserves exist, much more oil is expected to be found.
The only natural resource tapped thus far is oil, of which the south has quite a bit (6.7 billion barrels in proven reserves, or a 40th of Saudi Arabia’s pool).
The only natural resource tapped thus far is oil, of which the south has quite a bit (6.7 billion barrels in proven reserves, or a 40th of Saudi Arabia's pool).
Ovoot Tolgoi has proven initial reserves of 114 million tons, enough to last up to 16 years, but that's a conservative estimate and that's just the one mine in production.
Indonesia has few proven reserves, but high prices may well spur further exploration.
"Russia has about 6% of the world's proven oil reserves," Segei Bogdanchikov, President of the Russian state oil company Rosneft, told the Observer.
“俄罗斯拥有全球已探明石油储量的6%,”俄罗斯国家石油公司Rosneft的总裁谢尔盖·阿雷科谢耶夫(Segei Bogdanchikov)告诉《观察家报》,“我们拥有全球石油资源的40%。”
Relatively rich mineral area, substantial reserves, development prospects, has been proven gold, iron, copper, tungsten, marble, etc. more than 10 minerals.
The SEC standard for proven reserves has been followed by oil companies listed in the securities markets of the United States.
Brazil's rich in mineral resources, has proven iron ore reserves of 65 billion tons, output and export volume ranks second in the world.
Especially in recent years, with the proven reserves increase step by step at home and abroad, the study of non-structural petroleum has become a top subject.
Especially in recent years, with the proven reserves increase step by step at home and abroad, the study of non-structural petroleum has become a top subject.