Beijing has shown signs of moving beyond simply telling the world what it does not like.
However, because of the global financial crisis, Australia's economy has shown signs of slow-down.
Close family and hospital contacts are being monitored and to date, none has shown signs of infection.
Today marks the first day that Kailee's lab work has shown signs of engrafting ! This is encouraging and exactly what we want to happen.
Household spending has shown signs of stabilizing but remains constrained by ongoing job losses, lower housing wealth, and tight credit.
Furthermore, she has shown signs of becoming a good actress, and many a once-skeptical professional now thinks she may become an outstanding one.
How can Wing has shown signs of life, unless the story does not start, since the process of enjoying a good story, we must accept the ultimate sloppy ending.
Gold has moved to record highs on overall dollar weakness in recent weeks. It has also dipped when the greenback has shown signs of strength, as in recent days.
And recently, the economy has shown signs of faltering yet again, raising the possibility that in 2011 recovery would once more fail to bring meaningful gains to workers.
However, as the prices of international raw materials increase, the trade deficit between China and Australia increased, and China's terms of trade has shown signs of deterioration.
The British commercial-property market has already shown signs of cracking, as recently became clear when a fund run by New Star Asset Management marked its assets down by 18%.
The deflation Mr Ma predicted has shown no signs of abating, thanks to a number of factors that include the currency peg, cheaper costs on the mainland and government relief measures.
Firstly, the recent positive signs have shown that the stimulus package of China in tackling the financial crisis has achieved initial results.
Ambassador ZHANG said China's economy has shown positive signs in recent time, but China is still faced with a very difficult task in the recovery of its economy.
Following that pledge, which Alistair Darling, the chancellor of the exchequer, made on September 17th, the patient has shown some signs of recovery.
在财政大臣Alistair Darling在九月17做出这个承诺后,经济开始出现复苏的迹象。
At present the previous dynamic balance between man and nature and between nature and society as a whole, has shown ominous signs of breaking down.
Once the advanced signs have developed, no treatment has been shown to improve the ewe 's chances of survival.
China has shown further signs of economic recovery with its industrial output surging and its export slump easing.
Obama has not shown signs of being the right person for this. He has not shown the right boldness of vision.
But the real figure appears to best describe the risk of mortgage finance has shown initial signs of a clue.
If we say that the U. S. economy has recently shown at or near the beginning signs of recovery, but the European economy has not yet signal a significant recovery.
The fear is that Than Shwe, who has so far shown no signs of leaving, will remain in power in the foreseeable future.
Passenger traffic between Singapore and China has shown promising signs of growth.
Passenger traffic between Singapore and China has shown promising signs of growth.