Cuttings sandstone has smaller fractional value than quartz sandstone.
It has smaller orders of magnitude than the set of all frequent itemsets.
By adopting the technical scheme, the heat radiator has smaller volume and better heat-radiation effect.
A flea has smaller fleas to prey on them and these have smaller still to bite them and so proceed AD infinitum.
The new protocol selects the path which has smaller hop counts and less local topology changes to forward data.
This algorithm has smaller time complexity and space complexity, so can be applied in practical production and life.
If the convective heat transfer coefficient is great enough, its rechange has smaller effect on temperature response.
As compared with computer numerical arithmetic, the new formula has smaller relative error and broader application scope.
Compared with other RLS algorithms, it has smaller steady-state error and better ability of tracking dynamical parameters.
With SOPC technology uncooled focal plane infrared(IR)imaging system has smaller size, lower power consumption and better performance.
But after the Gauss filter process, the threshold image is changed into smooth one which has smaller burr and has better connectedness.
Silicon piezoresistance transducer is a new type pressure sensor which has smaller size, higher frequency response and other advantages.
As Houxi Opencast Mine has smaller mining boundary and it is near villages, the safety of mining and controlled blasting are strictly required.
In the past years, Inverter resistance welding power source with soft-switching technology has smaller volume, lower quality, higher efficiency.
But it has smaller volume than displacement compressor at the same mass flow rate; and higher pressure ratio and efficiency than impeller compressor.
The simulation results show that the double inlet port has smaller local flow resistance and higher average velocity flow near TDC than the single one.
Compared with Bengang 1700 hot rolling mill, the strip rolling product has smaller crystal granularity, higher strength value, and lower extension rate.
For now, the jury is still out on whether the Alpha Centauri system has smaller, Earth-like worlds in life-friendly regions, but Fischer expects answers shortly.
These threedimensional geometry can be conveniently fabricated, and it has higher sensitivity on the high frequency response, that has smaller area of the junction.
Compared with perforated pipe distributor, perforated weir-riser distributor has smaller wall flow, bigger operation elasticity and simpler structure, it is easy to install.
The Rogowski coil ranged in the same axis was used as current sensor, in which the self-integral resistance should has smaller inductance and smaller capacitance as possible.
The results of verifying calculation show that the analytic formula has smaller computational error as compared with computer numerical arithmetic, and therefore it is practical.
It is shown that the optimal hydraulic section for compound canal has smaller section area and narrower breadth of water surface than trapezoidal canal by calculation and comparison.
Although small QW has smaller optical confinement factor and smaller ratio of carriers injected into QW, it can provide higher mode gain because of its smaller mixing between valence bands.
The bulk of old Mutual's shares are traded in Britain and South Africa, but it has smaller listings in Sweden, Namibia, Malawi and Zimbabwe, where the company also has half a million policyholders.
The solar system also has two analogous classes of objects, smaller than planets—namely, asteroids and comets.
If the body has only partially decayed, it is reburied in a smaller cheaper grave, but not for long, the body will be dug up again some time later when it has fully decayed.
Size isn't everything, but it does matter, and the past decade has seen a noticeable countertrend toward smaller schools.
Your company has an impressive reputation and I always want to work for a smaller company.
Your company has an impressive reputation and I always want to work for a smaller company.