Changing these values would change the hash code, which would in turn break any hash table or dictionary that the object happened to be stored in.
If a key's hash code were to change while it was in a collection, some unpredictable and confusing consequences could follow.
The whitelist filter's response contains some kind of unique code that identifies the original message, such as a hash or sequential ID.
Given a reference to the XML describing an individual pet, this code 'folds' it into a hash.
So what you typically do and a hash case is you design your code to deal with that.
The message digest (also called the message authentication code) is computed using a hash function.
For example, if you have three partitions, and your key's hash code is 7, then 7 divided by 3 is 2, remainder 1, so the item goes in and comes from partition 1.
For any array type, you can call Arrays.hashCode(arrayVar) and get a well formed hash code.
对于任意数组类型,都可以调用 Arrays.hashCode(arrayVar) 方法来获得格式良好的哈希码。
Instead, you could create a hash map of zip code and weather information, and save that information into the portlet service.
The Datatype class must provide some object representation of the type that the validator can use for equality comparison and hash code calculation.
It may seem like a little thing, but using the % freedb_searches hash to get the list of searching switches makes the code shorter and more maintainable.
这看起来可能不算什么,但是使用% freedb_searches散列来得到检索开关列表会使代码更短,而且容易维护。
Unless you know how to generate a good hash code, the one generated from the Arrays class is bound to be better, resulting in fewer collisions.
This hash code could be used as a key into a HashMap or for any other related purpose.
To place an item in the cache, WebSphere eXtreme Scale calculates the key's hash code, divides by the number of partitions, and the remainder identifies the partition to store the item.
After this code has run, you can access the database directly as a standard Perl hash.
Thus, all indexed strings with the same hash code are returned from the index scan as possible candidates.
The hash code is an integer that should return a unique number of each unique key.
The grammar's program rule returns a hash reference with the code, comments, and strings available inside it as text.
Message Digests are secure, one-way hash functions that convert arbitrary length data into fixed-length check sum / hash code.
Listing 6 changes the code to pass a hash map representing the attributes for a trail.
Ideally, use hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) because it's the most secure.
The hash code should provide a uniform distribution of values over the key space so that the partitions are evenly balanced.
For example, if the key is an integer, this value might serve as the hash code.
If the (optional) single-instance-storage feature is turned on, an additional hash code (based on the mail content and other fields) must be generated.
The XXXXX placeholder is a hash code.
After the hash code has been computed once, getting the hash code for an internalized string is essentially free.
The range producer computes the hash code for the given string to search for and returns a point range where the start and the end of the range is the hash code itself.
In addition to making the property read-only, the hash code function will only use these 'key' fields to generate the hash code.
Hash a hash code for the downloaded binary to verify its integrity.
Hash a hash code for the downloaded binary to verify its integrity.