Many old poultry buildings, hatcheries, and feed mills Can be redesigned.
Graduates commonly manage hatcheries, fish farms, and other aquatic habitats.
Clean-up and repairing aquaculture and mariculture ponds, damaged cages and aquaculture hatcheries and training centres will be a priority.
If the experts are right, it means the sci-fi world of books such as Brave New world, in which all children are born in 'hatcheries', could soon be closer to reality.
This is why food does not grow in plenty, and humans have learned to rely upon artificial fertilizers to force the plants to grow. Now are also hatcheries in which fish are farmed.
Godfrey said his organisation was working on plans to dig up about 1, 000 nests, or 100, 000 eggs, from nesting grounds in the Florida Panhandle and transfer them to hatcheries for safekeeping.
Godfrey said his organisation was working on plans to dig up about 1, 000 nests, or 100, 000 eggs, from nesting grounds in the Florida Panhandle and transfer them to hatcheries for safekeeping.