Mr Brown’s vainglory about his ten years as chancellor will haunt him in the campaign.
Television-bound children, their eyes awhirl with images of Tony the Tiger and his high-fructose friends, haunt the debate about junk-food advertising.
A Tang anecdotal account further explains fox metamorphosis as a form of popular magic: "When the fox is about to haunt, it must wear a skull and worship the Big Dipper."
This question continues to haunt us, and Moynihan's arguments about black culture still preoccupy and divide academics.
There are about 1200 of these majestic carnivores that frequently haunt the edges of Canada's Hudson Bay.
Fears about negative equity returned to haunt British homeowners, with one index reporting that house prices fell by 2.5% in March compared with February, the sharpest such decline for 16 years.
With Mercury retrograde, be careful about what you write or say this month, in person, email, or social media, as something you say could come back to haunt you.
He's speaking metaphorically about how economic forces of the past, forgotten though they might be, continue to haunt the present.
Next time you are about to enjoy deep-fried cuisine, hold that thought for a second because what you've swallowed now might come back to haunt you.
Reason 6: you Have an Unhealthy Lifestyle All of those sleepless nights will come back to haunt you, there's absolutely no doubt about it.
Tormented by nightmares and the hallucinations, Jung-Won is desperate to find out about the apparitions that haunt him and solicits Yun to help him.
All of those sleepless nights will come back to haunt you, there's absolutely no doubt about it.
Tang anecdotal account further explains fox metamorphosis as a form of popular magic: "When the fox is about to haunt, it must wear a skull and worship the Big Dipper."
Tang anecdotal account further explains fox metamorphosis as a form of popular magic: "When the fox is about to haunt, it must wear a skull and worship the Big Dipper."