You have to have students start the class and you have to have a class get students interested.
For example, suppose you have a class loader called MyClassLoader.
A class selector selects all elements that have a class attribute with a particular value.
You have a class of young strong men and women, and they want to give their lives to something.
But it is possible to give objects a name. If we have a class called Account we would show it as.
And we do have a class I hope there'll be lively and Interesting discussion about some of these issues.
As mentioned earlier, this only requires that the tag surrounding this section have a class parameter.
Here, we have a class called Hello, where the main method merely creates an ApplicationWindow, then opens it.
If you have a class that already knows about the domain objects, it is fine to use these objects in your tests.
But if you have a class that isn't using these objects, do not tie these objects to the class through the tests.
Maybe have a class that hides the raw details of your persistence mechanism, but for now uses SQL strings underneath it.
Now that you have a class to model images from Flickr, you just need a way to get some data to stuff into these classes.
At afternoon, we have a class meeting, teachers speaked some things about study, and asked us not to think play at all.
Not that I know exactly what you should do, but I think what you should not do is have a class and just enumerate the 23 patterns.
Within just a few mouse clicks, I have a class that can be nearly complete, depending on what I want to do with it (see Listing 2).
For example, suppose that you have a class that stores user information and service information in two separate hash tables, as shown in Listing 3.
Iterating through the tags and filtering for those that have a class attribute of newpage, you can find the value of the id attribute that contains the page number.
For instance, if you have a class representing a Customer, you could attach a stereotype of to indicate that it represents a data object (perhaps an Entity Bean).
例如,如果您有一个表示顾客的类,那么您可以附加模板(stereotypes)来表示它代表一个数据对象(或许是Entity Bean)。
Unless you have a class, component, or piece of code already coded... and has been tested thoroughly... and is in production from an existing project, don't think it will be easy.
Let's say that at the beginning of the day you have a class called BusinessProcess whose job is to, well, execute a business process. Along the way, it needs to access data from a data source.
We have a class in Chicago asking for civil engineers to teach them how to build a bridge. In Idaho, a class is asking for a scientist to help them build a working river delta inside their classroom.
The authorities have placed the drug in Class A, the same category as heroin and cocaine.
The girls in a class tend to have a civilizing influence on the boys.
We have a pretty great orchestra here that you can take for credit, as like a class.
When you have attributes in a class, you need to be able to initialize these attributes with some initial values.
Students already have laptops and cell phones, of course, but the newest devices can take class distractions to a new level.
It's a practical issue, like we can't have an instructor when there're only a few students in the class.
Every year when my daughter moves to a new class, I have a usual big worry –her new class teacher.
He'd never been in a class before and he was not even sure that he should have been teaching.
Applicants should have at least a second-class honours degree.