Go to the kitchen when you want to have a drink, or keep a drink on a small table near your desk.
Your jaw muscles activate sympathetically when you see me initiate my reach for the glass, but only when I am reaching to have a drink.
When this is impractical you can at least make sure that you have a drink of water and let the water through your teeth to force out any particles of food.
When this is impractical, you can at least make sure that you have a drink of water and let the water through your teeth to force out any particles of food.
At the Palais Royal I suggested that we stop and have a drink.
Most adventurous teenagers will occasionally have a drink.
We decided to have a drink and she called Frank. I invited you too.
She'd say: "Hey, come on, have a drink with me, I'm bored all by myself."
At least have a drink of our old ale; it will do you good: you seem weary.
Americans couldn't even have a drink to drown their sorrows, thanks to prohibition.
Ahha! There's a well, I found some water! I can have a drink there, Thank goodness!
Thanks. This is a fun Party. We should have a drink together to celebrate your birthday.
Stand up, and go have a drink of water instead of keeping the water bottle at your desk.
Yet the turtle neither have a drink nor have a motion, only her face is bathed in tears.
I'm sorry, Sir, we don't have a free table now, Would you like to have a drink in the bar?
Lily: Thanks. This is a fun Party. We should have a drink together to celebrate your birthday.
The people at TF1 have allowed me to get back in touch with him, so we'll have a drink together.
TF 1台的工作人员允许我回来联系他,然后我们可以喝上几杯。
One day, she went to have a drink with her male colleagues after work and went back home late at night.
We need to change the attitude in Scotland that you can't have a good time unless you have a drink in you.
The next time you have a drink, see what you think: does your attention narrow to what's right in front of you?
I suddenly wanted to have a drink that night. I finished the magic wine. I continue with my business as usual.
If you feel the need to have a drink, go for a bottle of light beer or a vodka and soda with a splash of lime.
Being very thirsty (and no wonder) he walked slowly across to the nearest pool and stepped into it to have a drink.
Dancing to the feel of the drum, Leave this world behind, We'll have a drink and toast to ourselves, Under a Violet Moon.
Drinking too much. For some reason, it has become a cultural rule that the best way to make friends is to have a drink with them.
After he leaves, the bed beautifully constructed, but not tested, I sit on it and have a drink, feeling very stupid and guilty for a while.
After he leaves, the bed beautifully constructed, but not tested, I sit on it and have a drink, feeling very stupid and guilty for a while.