This is what concerns the unions that have a grip on America’s airlines.
This is what concerns the unions that have a grip on America's airlines.
"After all, most wives believe their husbands have no secret assets and they have a grip on their family purse strings, " the life insurer said.
If you have a firm grip and can stand on one leg, it may indicate that you are heading for a long life, according to a new study.
How many times have you seen anyone with such absolute power put into law that his children could not maintain a generational grip on power?
A YEAR ago, when Nestor Kirchner died suddenly of a heart attack, Cristina fernandez seemed to have lost not just her husband and political partner but also her grip on power and appetite for it.
YEAR ago, when Nestor Kirchner died suddenly of a heart attack, Cristina fernandez seemed to have lost not just her husband and political partner but also her grip on power and appetite for it.
We lawyers may think we have a pretty good grip on the law, but the Bard of Avon is smarter than we are, and he has news for us.
People whose fingerprints have worn off because of burns or overuse often find that the smooth calluses that develop on the fingertips make it nearly impossible to maintain a grip on anything.
A big reason why BlackBerrys have proved so popular with companies has been that RIM also provides software that lets it departments maintain a firm grip on the way the devices are used.
Every day America does not have climate legislation, he argues, is a day that China's grip on the global green economy gets tighter.
We have got a grip on the equipment programme through the difficult decisions taken in the SDSR.
Scientists have long theorized that besides being a completely unique way to identify people, the ridges on our fingers are what help humans pick up and grip objects more securely.
However, if you have a decent grip on the other realms of your life, but are struggling to build relationships, I suggest making it a top priority.
The two categories are most important these are the ones you have to get a grip on.
It was only during the past few months that I have been able to get a grip on my eating habits.
Since, therefore, biology is so pragmatic, why does romance have such a grip on our minds, hearts and culture?
These men have given me a firmer grip on my ideas and a more complete enjoyment and possession of them.
Rio Ferdinand believes Chelsea will have to wait until next season before their new signings can pose a significant threat to Manchester United's grip on the Premier League.
If you are a serious aspirant of GMAT, you have to develop a strong grip on English and Math.
Jasper is the one character I feel like I have no grip on. He's like a void for some reason.
But it's best at the beginning to make sure you have a solid grip on the relevant facts and issues.
To do well in work site distribution, we must have a firm grip on the target market, product, sales organization and business processes, etc.
His hands were trembling slightly, and he seemed to have problems keeping a grip on the handlebars.
His hands were trembling slightly, and he seemed to have problems keeping a grip on the handlebars.