Yes, it seems he doesn't really want to have a haircut.
When your 13 years old, she suggest you went to have a haircut, but you say that what she does not understand to is fashionable hair style of now.
You may have heard a woman in your life talk about getting a haircut that flatters her particular face shape.
But it would leave European leaders where they have been for most of the past year-struggling to control the situation because the solution of a big haircut on Greece's debt is too unpalatable.
A more radical third option, a “haircut” on the value of Greek debt, would have a significant impact on Greek banks because losses would have to be recognised immediately.
The banks have balked at taking a larger haircut, but the threat of a hard default may scare them into accepting a greater loss.
Now an ailing runner can have her knees X-rayed in bed for about $55, and while she is at it, get a haircut and a pedicure.
Even if Greece is able to convince debt holders to effectively take a large haircut on their debt, the country would still ultimately have to pay back, or refinance, 135 billion euro by 2020.
One aspect of default that could not be set by a rule is the size of the "haircut" -ie, how big a loss creditors have to bear.
But square-faced men also have the option of going for a really short haircut that will balance out with their naturally round head.
You know what, I would very much to have a really cool short haircut but I am so afraid if you are going to leave me for that.
If you have a credit card, you can buy a car, eat a dinner, take a trip, and even get a haircut by charging the cost to your account.
The hair-care section notes studies have shown that properly cared-for hair and a stylish haircut 'increase an individual's popularity.'
The hair-care section notes studies have shown that properly cared-for hair and a stylish haircut 'increase an individual's popularity.'