Ants may not be very bright, but it seems they have a head for figures.
"I don't know if we have a head, but we have a leg and a foot," he said.
If you can master even one of these, you'll have a head-start on your friends.
Everyone knows that you will succeed in life because you have a head on your shoulders.
My name is VICKY, I have a head and a mouth, a nose, two eyes, two ears. I like my nose.
While many foreign clubs have a head coach who answers to a Board of Directors, Sir Alex manages the football side and David Gill the business side.
Provides wizards to create form beans and action classes, giving you have a head start in developing the logic that is specific to your application.
I’m quick to point out that just because a child has leukemia doesn’t mean that they’re not going to sit on the back of Dad’s pickup truck and decide to be Superman and have a head injury from that.
Telecom operators, who are not subject to the same regulator, have a head start over the other two industries, as many of them already offer an increasing portfolio of content to their 3g customers.
I have a massive head, a hump over my front shoulders and sharply pointed horns.
Obviously, there's not much sense of stereo-channel separation unless you have a very skinny head.
I have no head for figures, but my sister is blessed with a superb head for figures.
What do a peckish bee-eater, two shaggy bisons going head-to-head in snow, and pelicans dancing in a pristine lake all have in common?
As a head broker, I have a lot of experience in the stock market, I deal with the clients on the daily bases, and I enjoy working with people.
We'd assumed we'd have to give it a moving head and tail, facial features, and put a scene on it to make it smell like a real rat, but that wasn't necessary.
I have spent a lot of time scratching my head about how to improve my oral English.
I have got a long body, a narrow little head, lots of furs and a big, bushy tail.
Although most of their scales have been lost, tunas and mackerels retain a patch of coarse scales near the head called the corselet.
However, everybody agreed that it was still important to have a school library. So, the head of the school, Graham Blake, decided to park an old bus on the school car park and change it into a library.
Li is the president of a milu conservation association in Yueyang and head of a local milu and bird rescue center, where 11 deer, including Diandian, have their families.
My eyes rolled to the back of my head, a mask covered my mouth, my temperature raised and I have the coronavirus.
The neck of four footed animals is usually long, to have them reach their food without difficulty, but the elephant has a short neck, to make him more easily support the weight of his huge head and heavy teeth.
So longs as you have a roof over your head, the rest you can persevere until you are able to save your way out of financial difficulty.
I have got a long body, a narrow little head, lots of fur and a big, bushy tail.
They have previously shown that the genes we inherit help determine whether we have a cool head or a short fuse.
That may have given him a sore head but the biggest worry had to be his spirit.
Shake them the wrong way and they could have a "head crash," a total wipeout that you don't want.
Shake them the wrong way and they could have a "head crash," a total wipeout that you don't want.