If we have a lesson today, let us strive to learn it well and we shall be prepared for a harder one tomorrow.
A new study published in Cognition found that, in at least one real-world situation, a single ethics lesson may have had lasting effects.
With all the lesson preparation I have to do I work 12 hours a day.
What time does Jane have a piano lesson on Mondays?
On Monday, we have a PE lesson.
Do you have a PE lesson on Friday?
We'll also have a special lesson from a guest cartoonist, who will teach us how to draw cartoons.
He did not have much time to live, and he wanted to give his sons a good lesson before he died.
"This is much like 'The Hare and the Tortoise', the faster, but not the winner," thought Lizzy, who, though proud, had enough feeling to take a lesson: The quick, proud may have the start, but the quiet, steady may do more in the end.
"Have you finished your lesson, George?" said Mr. Prentice to his son, who had laid aside his book and was busy making a large paper kite.
A lesson, perhaps, for those who have similar knee-jerk reactions to things like human cloning.
If you have an issue that needs more time to resolve, consider a private lesson with a skilled instructor.
During the Great Depression a protracted delay in aiding Banks proved fatal - a lesson Britain and now, this week, the United States have taken on.
Go horse riding, mountain biking or have a dip in the pool and a cookery lesson.
I have a final lesson that is also being discussed this week: the need for financial sustainability.
Each time you acknowledge your power, learn a lesson, practice compassion and kindness with others, you have achieved enlightenment.
The same goes for the audio lessons. If you have trouble with a lesson, repeat it the next day.
It is a lesson that the Bank of England seems to have had to learn all over again.
A number of councils have recommended the books and lesson plans to schools in their area.
He recalls persuading one Chinese visitor to take a lesson, only to have her ask if she could take her sun umbrella with her.
We know from history that every time we think we have outsmarted malaria we learn the humbling lesson that we are dealing with a very wily parasite.
And what should a betrayed wife do if she doesn't have the nerve or the money to hire a hit man to teach the cheater a lesson?
Contemporary American lawmakers, both state and federal, have produced a flood of harsh laws, laws meant to "teach 'em a lesson" and' sendout a message 'that Americans will not tolerate crime.
There I learned an important lesson: Just because you’re hired to lead a turnaround doesn’t mean you have to throw out the existing strategy.
You might have thought that Cadillac would have learned a lesson from its marketing victory over Packard, but apparently not.
When you see where we came from and how much we have suffered that is a good lesson for us to keep working hard.
The Rolly was a disaster, as anyone would likely have guessed given its price point and exceptional lameness — but it failed to teach Sony a lesson.
这款产品是一场灾难,以其定价和笨拙的功能,任何人都不难猜到这种结果- - - - -但是这并没有让索尼从中吸取教训。
This blunt assertion of firepower may have served as a warning to Iran as well as an object lesson to Saudi Arabia's own restive Shia minority of 10%.
This blunt assertion of firepower may have served as a warning to Iran as well as an object lesson to Saudi Arabia's own restive Shia minority of 10%.