Eat slowly. If you are tired, chat with others and have a smoke, and then, you will be hungry again.
They arrived hot and panting, and threw themselves down in the shade of a neighboring elm to rest and have a smoke.
If not careful, let it have a smoke, water stains, don't worry, must not be ignored without tube, can use a neutral detergent, use towel to wipe.
Please come with me, Sir. There is an empty seat in the smoking section where you can have a smoke after the captain turns off the "No smoking" sign.
When asked about his pre-match routine, he said that the trick was to "have a smoke to calm your nerves, then toss back a strong drink to tone your muscles.
In addition to this ability, the recon will also have a smoke grenade ability, which will slow and disorient enemies caught in it, as well as making them miss their attacks.
In the same way physicians used to smoke, and then stopped smoking and were able to talk to patients about it, I think physicians can have a bigger voice in it.
After stumbling to the end of a smoke-filled corridor, you have to choose whether to turn left or right.
AAA is a localized widening and weakening of the abdominal aorta, and primarily affects elderly Caucasian men who smoke, have high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels.
Just as a person who smokes chooses to light up, nonsmokers have a choice, too - to walk away from other people's smoke at home, school, work, restaurants, even friends' and family members' houses.
According to the inventors, young children often panic and hide when they hear a conventional smoke alarm, sometimes fearing they have done something wrong to set it off.
Residents of richer countries are suffering more now because they have been smoking longer: cancers and chronic respiratory diseases caused by tobacco smoke take a long time to develop.
Most people in the world are non-smokers and have a right not to be exposed to other people's smoke.
As a result of drought and heat, more than 500 wildfires have raged out of control, smothering Moscow in smoke and threatening several nuclear facilities.
Eventually you'll find that when you want a smoke, you won't have any immediately available.
Researchers at Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques in Wachtberg, Germany, have developed a sensor that can see through the smoke.
"If you see a new patient, you always ask them if [they] smoke, do [they] have heart disease, and so on," Ashtyani says. "Snoring and poor sleep should also be raised."
“如果你遇到一个患者,通常会询问他们是否吸烟,是否有心脏病,等等,”a shtyani说,“那么打鼾和睡眠不好也应该被问及。”
Among men (who already have a heightened risk of chronic respiratory disease due to their higher rates of smoking), exposure to indoor smoke nearly doubles that risk.
He doesn't smoke or have diabetes, though his age, 60, puts him at higher risk than a younger person.
If Dr Lammers and Dr Galinsky are right, the sense which some powerful people seem to have that different rules apply to them is not just a convenient smoke screen. They genuinely believe it.
If it sounds like Aiyar's five years in Beijing have left her reluctant to give a definitive answer to this question-one she poses often in her book, Smoke and Mirrors: an Experience of china-she is.
Anyway, it was kind of a long walk to the library from the apartment I was living in at the time, so even though I had just had a smoke before I left, I decided to have another to pass the time.
She could imagine the ease of a slip, a search for that early bliss when all they did was snuggle and drink brandy and smoke crack and have their epic conversations about-about what, the vicissitudes?
Don't smoke a cigarette, for example, without Posting to your online quit forum. Don't have a drop of alcohol before calling your AA buddy.
In particular, it has deprived the environment of its share of species that have adapted successfully to heat and smoke, and proliferate in the charred environment that follows a wildfire.
If you feel the urge to smoke, make yourself wait 10 minutes until you allow yourself to have a cigarette.
Researchers have put this down to the fact they do not drink or smoke and have a vegetarian diet.
Researchers have put this down to the fact they do not drink or smoke and have a vegetarian diet.