As developers, we all have a stake in the outcome of these discussions.
When employees have a stake in the profits, it shows in their attitude.
The people doing the work conduct the survey in groups small enough to have a stake in the changes.
Including this in your guide helps readers recognize all the people who have a stake in the process.
All of these roles have a stake in making sure the services serve the enterprise needs and work correctly.
Yet Mrs Clinton's visit to the region suggests that the US does consider itself to have a stake in Bosnia.
But my country and yours have a stake in seeing that NATO's first mission beyond Europe's borders is a success.
Cerberus is looking to have a stake in a combined GM-Chrysler, according to people familiar with the situation.
Most parents feel that they have a stake in their children's future, and so will use every effort to help them.
We envision multiple business units, customers, suppliers and even regulators may have a stake in the optimization of process.
And third, we are committed to expanding our partnerships with a wide range of groups that have a stake in improving governance.
Typically, you first start with stakeholder requests, which are the general needs of those who have a stake in the finished product.
Increasingly, financial firms have a stake in these markets too. Trading in agricultural futures, once a backwater, has boomed in recent years.
I have a stake in the projects, and they have to take into consideration my requirements and needs and balance them against the other stakeholders.
None of their scheming would count as more than two old men's efforts to cling to their jobs, except that shareholders everywhere also have a stake in this fight.
They would also require Banks to keep a portion of the loans they sell as asset-backed securities to ensure that they have a stake in what happens to those loans.
From CEOs to shareholders, from financiers to factory workers, we all have a stake in each other's success because the more Americans prosper, the more America prospers.
When people start talking and questions of each other, they begin to have a stake in the outcome and take on ownership for the success of executing the governance program.
A word that has expanded from describing someone who may actually have a stake in a situation or problem, now being over-used in business to describe customers and others.
"The system" represents the program itself, which would have a stake in backlog items representing program improvements such as technical debt items and the upgrading of any frameworks.
With a partner like that, is there a sub-conscious tendency, at least, to accentuate the positive—just as right-of-centre groups may have a stake in showing that multi-cultural policies are failing?
The alliances are most valuable when scientists and artists have a shared stake in a project, are able to jointly design it and can critique each other's work.
The fact that they have a personal stake in the outcome makes them really pay attention.
The fact that they have a personal stake in the outcome makes them really pay attention.