After a careful examination, a famous doctor told my grandmother, "You have such a serious heart condition that you should have an operation."
How can I have an operation timeout in Portable Class Libraries?
You're suffering from acute appendicitis and must have an operation.
Is there any way to cure it? If possible, I'd rather not have an operation.
If your nasal septum is deviated, you may need to have an operation to straighten it.
He is going to have an operation on his face next month. He want to be more handsome.
The doctor advised him to have an operation. However, since that would mean missing the Olympics.
Beckham will have an operation in Finland later today under the supervision of specialist Sakari Orava.
"I didn't have an operation for my knee injury, therefore I don't need one for my elbow," concluded Mutu.
In the summer of 1941 Grandma got sick and had to have an operation, so my birthday passed with little celebration.
You have an operation called "hello" which consists of an input message, "tns:hello" and an output message, "tns:helloResponse".
您有一个名为 “hello” 的操作,它由一个输入消息 “tns:hello”和一个输出消息 “tns:helloResponse” 组成。
This transition must have an operation, since the correlation for the state machine must be set when the state machine instance is created.
'When I told my daughter I'd had a Caesarean, she said she wasn't going to kiss any boys because she couldn't afford to get pregnant and have an operation.
Finally, the patient can be doing well nutritionally, have an operation performed meticulously, and yet suffer a complication because of the nature of the disease.
Since you are going to have an operation tomorrow, I come to see you, need to ask you something, and give you some instruction about the preparation of your operation.
If you have an operation that contains entirely persistence logic (no business logic), consider moving it into the database as a stored procedure and invoke it via Spring JDBC.
Williams said he understands that some people's gender cannot easily be determined when they are born and they later have an operation that could change the originally assigned gender.
Doctors have decided the only way he can live anything near a normal life is to give him an operation.
This transition must have an associated operation known as the initialization operation, as Figure 10 shows.
Query is an operation that may have input parameters and that returns a result set.
Each provided operation can have a method behavior that is an activity, interaction, state machine, or opaque behavior (code).
Now let's assume that the printer has accepted the CONNECT operation. I have now created an OBEX session between the client and the server.
In our example, we have an alias for each operation, and we indicate that the correlation serialNumber should be specified from the serialNumber parameter on each operation.
UPDATE is an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE operation that may have input parameters and that returns an integer (number of affected rows).
Although you can have an add-in task perform an operation and quit, typically add-in tasks are used for operations that need to be performed periodically.
尽管可以让插件任务(add - in task)执行某一项操作并退出,但插件任务通常用于需要定期执行的操作。
Most applications have custom logic that authorizes users to perform an operation not only on a class, but also on an instance of that class.
You should now have an understanding of the different forms of operation of this primitive and how it plays in aggregation scenarios.
You should now have an understanding of the different forms of operation of this primitive and how it plays in aggregation scenarios.