Conclusions Mohe-tobacco smoking could induce the lung ultrastructure changes of golden hamster and have influence upon the function of gas exchange.
The results show that tectonic stresses have influence upon the bearing capacity, the destruction form, and the surrounding rock displacement rule of three lane road tunnel.
Finite elastic deformation analysis of a four column supported prestressed latticed shallow shell roof shows that the bolts have influence upon the computed results more significantly.
Conclusions: the beam Angle and the number of beams have influence upon dose distribution, the dose distribution would be improved for large volume target with the increment of beam number.
Other elements then considered to have primary influence upon an ant's career were its age—it might change tasks as it got older—and its genetics.
They have exerted great influence upon people as well as upon their fields of study not only through their accomplishments in science and technology, but through their activities in academia as well.
He always impressed upon me the need to be my own man and follow my own path, but who he was had, and does have, a significant influence on who I am.
Love and kindness have far greater influence than punishment upon the improvement of human character.
Conclusion the palatal vault, cusp inclination and the position of artificial teeth have apparent influence upon the stress concentration on the alveoli dentales maxillae.
Conditions of polymerization and doping have great influence upon the grain shape and electrical performance of doped polyaniline (PA).
When using compressed air to supply coal evenly, the layout space and quantity of delivery equipment will have a direct influence upon the cooling result in coal face.
All these show that the gradual changes of seawater salinity have less influence upon Portunus pelagicusthan the sudden changes of it.
When users enjoy its convenience and quickness, they have to bear the negative influence upon role consciousness, interpersonal relation, morals and feelings, and formation of personality.
In our physical teaching, active mood and negative mood are the two aspects which can have a great influence upon physical learning.
The crankshaft is an important part of the homogenizer. Its strength and rigidness have direct influence upon the properties of the whole machine.
Childhood is the most precious and important period in one's life and will have a lasting influence upon one's life.
The gular diameter and inlet angle and outlet angle of the Venturis have an important influence upon hydrodynamic cavitation.
Methane content is high and spontaneous combustion occurred frequently in Yangquan coal mines, which have a serious influence upon the safe production in the mines.
Tests have been performed to investigate the high frequency magnetic rings influence upon the steepness of the transients produced by breaking down a vacuum gap.
That means today your generation like never before will increasingly have the ability to influence the direction of the U. S. -china relationship based upon the power of information technology.
Greco-Roman myths have had a tremendous impact upon literature, sculpture and painting in the world, and the enormous influence of Greco-Roman mythology on British Literature is beyond doubt.
The more and more evidences prove that the inner earth is non adiabatic and the lasting cool process will have a great influence upon the surface environment.
The value conception of the "Economic Man" s utility, rationality, and materialism still have profound influence upon different aspects of modern social life.
The over-loaded problems of initiator have direct influence upon its security and reliability, esp. in the case of emission and dynamic impacts.
The fundamental conditions of fibers used for nonwovens namely the influence of mechanical properties and chemical structures upon the performance of nonwovens have been described.
And not only do the antidumping measures affect the domestic industry, but also have the great influence upon other interest parties in the import country.
The influence of the stochastic external environment upon the population dynamics system have never been considered in ordinary age-dependent system models.
Conclusion:The tine have a great influence upon the extracting efficiency of przewatanshinquinone.
In this paper, a theoretical model for grey synthetic evaluation of seismic liquefaction of sands is established based on exploration of main factors which have great influence upon liquefaction.
In this paper, a theoretical model for grey synthetic evaluation of seismic liquefaction of sands is established based on exploration of main factors which have great influence upon liquefaction.