You can't have it both ways. If you can afford to go out all the time, you can afford to pay off some of your debts.
Countries cannot have it both ways: the cost of a cleaner environment may sometimes be fewer jobs in dirty industries.
This is the 'ick' issue. But Apple cheerleaders can't have it both ways.
It allows women to have it both ways – strong and vulnerable to the darker forces.
You'll have to decide whether you want to lose weight or eat chocolates and you can't have it both ways!
So far Germany is trying to have it both ways, and succeeding only in getting everyone deeper into the mire.
The Fed can't have it both ways: Either the private-sector boards are important, and having bankers on them is unwise.
That closed communication comes at the expense of public knowledge sharing, but classroom innovators may not be able to have it both ways in the long term.
Fortunately, you can have it both ways. You can follow training plans that build the length of your long runs, and others that improve your speed-endurance.
You keep screaming at industry when we ourselves, the greedy consumer and our insatiable appetite for cheap junk have driven them overseas or out of business. You cannot have it both ways.
Lots of Britons have been trying to buy tickets through agents in Europe, so it works both ways.
Last year we had “Kick-Ass,” “Iron Man 2,” “Despicable Me” and “Megamind,” each in its way trying for the kind of knowing, have-it-both-ways blend of allegory, action and gentle satire.
Nor is it fair to say that Obama's have-it-both-ways position meant that black voters were going to march sheeplike to the polls and vote as Obama dictated.
That how you always hurt the one you love, well it works both ways... have you been in love?
We both laughed at that moment. We had a brief chat and then exchanged our ways of contact. I felt it was really a luck thing to have such an experience.
We both laughed at that moment. We had a brief chat and then exchanged our ways of contact. I felt it was really a luck thing to have such an experience.