Maybe we have no future, but still want to put you in the heart, don't give up.
You have no future, you have no hope, you always think of how whiling away the time!
Does he say things like 'when we move in together' and then act as though you have no future?
But let me not go too far in suggesting that asset classes near the perimeter of risk have no future.
People are eating fewer vegetables than they used to - or should - but that doesn't mean carrots have no future.
Rather, theprophet denounces the greed, corruption and power-mongering of the present, warning us that unless we change our ways we might well have no future at all.
I have a trophy in my office proclaiming me to be “The Writer with No Future” because I could produce more rejection slips by weight than any other writer at an entire conference.
Having reconciled with the fact that the past has no power and today is the only day I have, I am strong, powerful enough to create the future and delight in its coming and tackle challenges.
As the variety of human cultures attests, there have always been multiple possibilities, and there seems no reason to accept a single vision of the future.
HanHan:Sooner or late I will get older just like racing car parts, but I can't do it because I have no ides what I would think in the future, whatever, who knows?
There can be no such bond between former (and perhaps future) rivals, particularly when they have such marked differences of generation and style.
奥希两人曾经是对手(或许将来也是),私交不可能很好。 更何况两人出生的年代和行事风格也是迥然不同。
There is clearly a cadre of young people in Britain who feel they have little or no stake in the country’s future or their own.
Quite frankly, DBAs have too much on their plates already, and when you look at the data persistence requirements of the future, there is no way they're going to be able to keep up.
Economists would agree that you'll have a little pressure on GDP, but there's no confidence out there about the future.
Yet what it does is something that no other Twitter apps have done before: it gives us hope for the future of the social web.
We all learn to live only when we no longer have anything to expect, because we do not live in the living present but in a vague and distant future.
The worst have failed; investors no longer fund them and are not likely to in the future.
The world faces a future with little meat and no cotton because of acatastrophic collapse in bee colonies, experts have warned.
Here at NES, you have inherited this great cultural legacy, but your focus on economics is no less fundamental to the future of humanity.
No doubt, in the future, these agents will acquire some sub-sub atomic label; just as, presumably, whole classes of angels have been replaced by photons and quarks.
Reception problems have not happened so far, and there is no room for such problems to happen in the future.
Although growing proportions of high school graduates are entering higher education, many are not prepared for college-level work and many others have no clear plan for the future.
Some young workers at Foxconn, feeling alone and desperate and seeing no hope for the future, have taken their own lives.
In future wars, American pilots no longer would have to make like Tom Cruise in Top Gun, maneuvering for that kill shot against enemy aircraft.
In future wars, American pilots no longer would have to make like Tom Cruise in Top Gun, maneuvering for that kill shot against enemy aircraft.