Since then, people have not only traveled to space, but many of them have lived there in space stations for some time.
They have not only an outer event horizon but also an inner horizon, called a "Cauchy" horizon.
We have not only carried out our own investigation, but also cooperated with the Japanese side.
Yet, despite their small number, the Houthis have not only survived repeated batterings, but thrived.
But the British already have not only national standards but also a national curriculum and national exams.
Over the past few years, almost a dozen places have not only avoided it, but begun to reverse their decline.
I have two sixteen-year-old girls who have not only stayed off of it, but have managed to pull a few friends off.
That is why, at this critical moment in history, the two of us have not only reaffirmed our alliance -we've agreed to deepen it.
"They have not only rejected you Samuel," the Lord spoke to me. "but they rejected me because I am the rightful ruler of Israel."
The American shoe, textile, electronics and other industries have not only lost sales and profits to the Japanese but jobs as well.
Then, that's not vertically simple because here in the middle, I have not only does top in this bottom, but I have this middle face.
Americans have not only won more Nobel prizes, they have turned more scientific advances into profitable businesses than anyone else.
Biofuels have not only diverted crops to fuel but have also diverted public subsidies to farmers without provoking too many objections.
But Joshua said to the house of Joseph — to Ephraim and Manasseh — "You are numerous and very powerful." You will have not only one allotment.
Even American newspapers, which inhabit the most troubled corner of the global industry, have not only survived but often returned to profit.
The past two weeks have not only raised the stakes in the Apple-Amazon rivalry, it's also offered a clearer indication of how it may shake out.
Being grateful for what I have not only drives me to want more, it creates a flow of abundance into my life that will provide for my deepest desires.
The World Expo mascots have not only become the representatives of Expo images, but also embody the culture and spirit of hosting countries and cities.
Whether baked or Fried, Buffalo wings have not only become ingrained1 in America's national food culture, but have spread with increasing popularity worldwide.
We have not only seen an earlier break up of ice on rivers and melting glaciers, but also the early emergence of insects, egg laying by birds and the flowering of plants.
There are the ideals of opportunity, equality, and freedom that have not only inspired our people to perfect our own union, but inspired others to perfect theirs as well.
Because cloud telephony is an integration play, the team that creates such solutions needs to have to have not only a very broad skill set but also a very specialized mindset.
Now researchers studying chickens have not only confirmed this but also found other changes brought on by farming. In particular, the dumbness would appear to be aggravated by stress.
As you can see, you now have not only specified your target namespace, but also created a namespace value PO to qualify the schema and included the documentation annotation from the example.
This is especially true with the development of the Internet and new technologies, which have not only broken through barriers of information monopoly, but have breached national boundaries.
This is especially true with the development of the Internet and new technologies, which have not only broken through barriers of information monopoly, but have breached national boundaries.