You have the choice of night fishing in the Mediterranean, or windsurfing on a lake in Switzerland.
Dependent as they are on politicians for much of their funding, scientists have little choice but to comply.
Graduate students and postdocs, who often are working on their lab head's grant, may have no choice if their supervisor or another senior colleague opposes sharing.
We contend that the choice between synchronous and asynchronous invocation can have similar impact on service interface design.
Font choice can have a big impact on your design, and can also be a great source of inspiration.
Once the tool is connected to the database, you have the choice to either profile every application running on the database, or to profile a specific connection.
We don't have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it.
Like Cindy, you have the choice either to dwell on the what-ifs or to put that energy into nurturing your marriage and making it as rich as possible.
It's been effective for teams to have a choice depending on their appetite for metrics and formality.
You can do the same thing, no matter what's going on in your life, commit to only have good days; the choice is yours!
So the choice that most people have made to standardize on a BPEL engine is the right choice... by far.
If it weren't for Steve Jobs taking a calligraphy class decades ago-right after dropping out of college-we probably wouldn't have a choice of fonts on our personal computers today.
Yet Germany may in reality have little choice. On February 16th Mr Steinbruck admitted that some countries in the euro, especially Ireland, were in trouble.
Potential buyers of an electric car have a choice of seven models in the UK, with more on the way.
If you really must leave and have the resources to do so, go to the country of your choice on a tourist visa.
Choice, then, is unlikely to have any impact on standards unless it affects the supply of places.
These elements all have the potential to change what is displayed based on user action and choice without loading a new page from the server.
But soon enough, the floods have Father's chest, the priest stood on the altar of choice.
It's going to be one-on-one education, but it means our customers have a choice.
"I have absolutely no choice but to recuperate properly and fully, or I risk damaging my voice forever," Adele wrote on her blog.
Perhaps the most important choice you have to make about logging is to decide on a scheme that assigns each log message to a particular category.
The startling implication is that the real-life voters must also have based their choice of candidate on looks, at least in part.
They take on a mortgage with the longest terms and highest interest rates. But they have no choice.
That looks sinister on two counts. First, in mature markets merchants may have little choice but to take the main credit cards.
In other words, unless you don't have any choice, don't write your personal love letter on the back of a paper bag.
Instead of complaining about how unfair life is you could always look on it as a result of your choice to have a child.
They take on a mortgage with the longest terms and highest interest rates. But they have no choice. They have to get married.
They take on a mortgage with the longest terms and highest interest rates. But they have no choice. They have to get married.