The licensee did not know or have reason to know of the condition and the risk involved.
What is remarkable here is not the errors of the young people on the video, many of whom probably have no reason to know any better about the nature of rights.
I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others.
If for some reason Oklahoma state's healthcare failed then I would have something to worry about because of my children, I know.
While we know that delegation is an essential management tool, there may be times where you have thought to yourself, "it's just not right to delegate this," and with good reason.
One reason you want to have an organized credit life is so you always know where you stand with credit card balances.
Neighbours who have no reason to know each other will need to convene and collaborate in order to get a new school or better policing.
I look at where I want to go, and I move forward, without thinking much, because if I already know where I have to go, there’s no reason to second-guess, it will only delay me.
The only reason to launch a project is to change something, and I want to know what you're going to do and what impact it's going to have.
Some of them have reason for the convention: Declare variables at point of first use; throw exceptions when you don't know what to do with them.
The reason why people lie and cheat in relationships is because they have an inferiority complex and would not want their partners to know about it.
The biggest reason to keep an index is if you know it is used by a transaction or query that you have not included in the workload used by the Design Advisor.
保留一个索引的最大理由是,您知道某个事务或查询使用了这个索引,但是您并没有将该事务或查询包括在 Design Advisor 所使用的工作负载中。
Well, because it takes time, and because it can be awkward-if you don't have a particular reason for reaching out, it can be hard to know when and how to do so.
So, if the position has been vacant for several months, then you have to know the reason.
I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others.
If for some reason, you know that you'll not be able to check out before that time, please kindly inform us beforehand, otherwise, we would have to charge you for another night.
I suppose the reason is that we know all the circumstances that have occasioned them and so manage to excuse in ourselves what we cannot excuse in others.
In order to be relieved of our misery, we have to know the basic reason for it, the cause of the suffering.
I know they are much smaller than me and I have no reason to be so scared of them but I can't help it.
I would like to know what is the reason for this terrible depression I have been experiencing for so long now.
Many college students really don't have a clear reason for being there other than the fact that they don't know what else to do yet.
May:That's not the reason. I have to go to the English Corner tomorrow evening. You know, I've been going there every week.
I know they are much smaller than me and I have no reason to be so afraid of them but I can't help it.
After all, the point of these activities is to have a good time. If you know you won't, there's no reason to play.
Her Prime Ministers have better reason than most to know and appreciate her knowledge and experience.
Tony Stark: I should be dead already… It must be for a reason… I just finally know… what I have to do…
Tony Stark: I should be dead already… It must be for a reason… I just finally know… what I have to do…