Ideological confusion, moral decline and a chaotic cultural market, all this shows that it is the high time to have something done in order to tackle the problem of cultural orientation.
If you want something to be done, then their staff do not have so much incentive to help you because he's a worker for the government.
He claimed the government had entrapped him into doing something that he would not have done otherwise.
On the bright side, in all the research being done on causes, we have discovered something related to how starfish populations might affect coral reef diversity.
If you want something to be done, then their staff do not have so much incentive to help you because he is a worker for the government.
In sports and many areas of life, we think of failures as evidence of something we could have done better.
Even comfortable middle class people can fall into the trap of thinking that because they can't afford every luxury they must have done something wrong.
Stopping deforestation, by contrast, means paying people for not doing something they might otherwise have done.
If they couldn't spot the analytical flaws, they might have done something about the stylistic ones that range from curious analogies to long phrases in parentheses.
Just try to remember that parents' decisions to split up are to do with issues between them, and not because of something you might have done or not done.
Even if it's something you should have done earlier in the week or missed a detail on.
Once you complete it, you have done something awesome for that day — you've taken a small step towards making your dreams come true!
In the following troubleshooting steps, we assume that they have done so but something went wrong.
Does something have to be done quicker or faster, or do you have to interact better with your colleagues?
Once you have been doubted, no matter you explain or not, there is only one result that you have been confirmed to have done something.
If you genuinely want to find out what they did, you have to make it okay for them to have done something wrong.
Someone who's going to take a knife into an elementary school is probably disturbed enough that if he hadn't done that, he would have done something else.
Powers like these might have done something about Greece. But would they have saved Spain or Ireland?
The first thing is reflexive, unthinking — something your ancestors could have done in the wild: you grasp the hurt hand with the other one.
Some examples: Write e-mails to your co-workers every day thanking them for something they have done.
ANYONE undertaking a repetitive or routine task knows the problem: suddenly something they have done dozens or hundreds of times before goes wrong.
A side benefit is that it sets factories in different parts of the world in competition with one another for new projects, something carmakers have done for years to keep down Labour costs.
If you have been faced with a difficult decision — which house to buy; whether to accept a Posting abroad — you may have done something similar yourself.
For a time, he penned notes to journalists — something he would never have done as CEO — correcting them on points of GM history.
You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.
Hyundai and Kia have done something similar in America, positioning their supplier base between their two manufacturing sites.
According to the inventors, young children often panic and hide when they hear a conventional smoke alarm, sometimes fearing they have done something wrong to set it off.
Perhaps even more alarming: Many intruders have apparently done something harmful with the access they've stolen.
How could this person I trusted completely have done something so unthinkable that I couldn't — and still can't — wrap my head around it?
How could this person I trusted completely have done something so unthinkable that I couldn't — and still can't — wrap my head around it?