The ALA notes that it may be particularly difficult to tell when infants and preschool age children have the flu.
It doesn't matter if they have the flu, a broken leg, or even a fever.
Some people have the flu because they stay too long in places with lots of people.
Even under the best of circumstances, it can be tough to know if you really have the flu.
Amy: it's no mystery. I obviously have the flu coupled with sudden-onset Tourette's syndrome.
But once you have the flu, how long it takes you to get better doesn't depend on your contacts.
If you have the flu, the CDC recommends you stay home for at least 24 hours after your fever is gone.
Finally, the association said prospective mothers should avoid contact with people who have the flu or other illnesses that can cause fevers.
Today, I have the flu, food poisoning and I'm on my period. I have enough liquids pouring out of me from various holes to satisfy a sewer. FML.
Margaret Duchez, 94, did not have the flu, but remembers that in 1918 her grandmother locked the door so that she couldn't go outside during the pandemic.
Google flu Trends, which was launched last November, tracks and maps flu-related search queries to predict how many people in a given region actually have the flu.
With the recent increases in cases of , we may in future ditch the doctor to turn to our trusted mirror and say: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, do I have the flu at all?”
最近 甲流病例增加,但将来我们可能不再去看医生,而是照着我们信赖的镜子说:“墙上的镜子,你告诉我,我得流感了吗?”
With the recent increases in cases of swine flu, we may in future ditch the doctor to turn to our trusted mirror and say: "mirror, mirror, on the wall, do I have the flu at all?"
Now utopia has grown unfashionable, as we have gained a deeper appreciation of the range of threats facing us, from asteroid strike to epidemic flu and to climate change.
I have family and friends who have had swine flu, though I doubt if they appear in the figures.
If the innards of each pig are Petri dishes, then possible pandemic flu viruses have been stewing on hog farms for decades.
However, even in the early days of the outbreak, not everyone with swine flu will have visited their GP.
Now that the swine flu scare seems to have died down. Does this mean we all overreacted?
Although the flu and common cold have many similarities, there are some obvious signs to look for.
Again, when choosing foods that help you fight the flu, pick those that you already love and that have the right nutrients.
Now that the swine flu scare seems to have died down, does this mean we all overreacted?
Next they plan to examine the immune response of people who were vaccinated against last year's swine flu but did not get sick to see if they too have the same super immunity to flu.
Studies have shown that the swine flu H1N1 is common throughout pig populations worldwide, with 25 percent of animals showing antibody evidence of infection.
Virologists have determined that the mutating flu is a combination of several older flu strains, commonly associated with pigs.
So if you have the right genes and you have had seasonal H1N1, you are less likely to get the severe form of flu.
所以,如果你有那个基因,并且以前也得过季节性h1n 1流感,那你得本次甲型H1N 1流感并发重症的可能性就小得多了。
Birds, for example don't have receptors for human strains of the flu.
Birds, for example don't have receptors for human strains of the flu.