Nylons have the virtue of durability.
Fibonacci Numbers at least have the virtue of creating a testable proposition; one that they appear to fail.
Press reports have the virtue of immediacy, and its results will always be subject to verification by the WHO and government authorities, of course.
量测与评估检查/检验报告之 即时 性,如果可以的话,应对报告产出及结果通知之 即时 性提出具体之改善行动。
Methods RFID technology and series antenna coils separated in space were used in combat readiness medicine-chest, thus enabling the medicine-chest to have the virtue of intelligence.
The metal band-sawing machine have the virtue of saving energy, high efficiency and saving material, which is the perfect metal material severing equipment for big, medium and small enterprise.
We should act by following the way of nature and have the great virtue.
I might be wrong about that but I have a feeling I used that as an example as one of the ones that was valid in virtue of their form.
So can somebody lack all virtue, whatsoever, and can you still have this love of bestow and would forgive them the fact that they have no beauty or virtue...?
Ms Palin's argument does at least have one mitigating virtue: it concentrates on the impact the centre might have, without impugning the motives of those who want to build it.
This would have the great virtue of not adding another layer of bureaucracy by requiring that Medicare establish financial status before paying medical bills.
The solution, by virtue of the products that it is built on top of, lets you study how these metrics relate to each other, and what type of influence they may have on the carbon footprint.
Terry Pratchett's Discworld might not have the gravitas of other fantasy works, but it makes our list by virtue of being pure fun.
The exercise of competence that Member States have transferred to the Community by virtue of the Treaties is, by its very nature, bound to continuously evolve.
We have a younger storm god who usurps power from an older god by virtue of a victory over a water god. Remember Enuma Elish, which we read at the very beginning of the semester.
Has the sense of shame is the difference between the people and animals. Shameless person will never have a virtue.
Everyone suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and my virtue is: I am a I have ever known a few honest people.
The factors proved that people, who have complete virtue and treat others in honest way, in the view of long term are surpass the man who likes playing tricks in terms of being trusted.
And we have organic junk food with organic ingredients flown in from around the globe, disguised as health food by virtue of the organic label.
Have you virtue? — acquire also the graces and beauties of virtue.
It's easy to talk about self-help when you have access to the best medical care in the world by virtue of your birth.
By virtue of their participation, the participants authorize the organizers to publish some of their works that they have received.
A man may be ignorant of the arts and yet have every virtue under the sun.
In order to do this in a useful fashion we need to have a mechanism to describe the classes that individuals belong to and the properties that they inherit by virtue of class membership.
In order to do this in a useful fashion we need to have a mechanism to describe the classes that individuals belong to and the properties that they inherit by virtue of class membership.