Sooner or later, I'm going to have to face the music.
Most of them will have to face a sad end.
I have to face some very sad incidents and I keep thinking about them.
I know whatever I have to face in my life I was there and I survived.
When you study there, you will have to face challenges in everyday life that you have never experienced before, but after a year abroad, you will return with a new look at life—and at yourself.
If we don't shift our very culture there will be new crises we have to face.
At some point, you're going to have to face that massive code block and call it your own.
She's still hoping I can take care of it myself," Fang said. "But we have to face reality.
A real-world problem many people have to face is how to process huge quantities of log data.
"You are being wicked in the Lord's eyes so you will have to face the consequences." Eliphaz accused.
Movies do provide a platform for thinking about the situations that we have to face in real life.
But we also have to face as we go into this deeper dialogue of our own tradition, the darker chapters.
But like everywhere else, they will soon have to face the future: young people don't do newsprint.
If one health advocacy group has its way, parents will never have to face this common dilemma again.
Plus in college you don't yet have to face the hardest kind of work—discovering new problems to solve.
而在大学里你还不必触及最难的事情 -发现并解决新问题。
What they went through shows us the reality of what we have to face when life doesn’t go the way we plan.
What they went through shows us the reality of what we have to face when life doesn't go the way we plan.
If you will think about your morning before you actually have to face it, your mornings will run smoother.
How to help our youngsters to deal with the reality of death, part of life that all of us eventually have to face?
You grow spiritually, you have to face yourself. You have to face who you really are and that can be quite a shock.
This decision is especially important when you have to face some legacy types to which you want to map the XML schema types.
Steelworkers and coalminers have to face grim economic reality and see their companies liquidated; bankers, it seems, do not.
Often when we face obstacles in our day-to-day life, our hurdles seem very small in comparison to what many others have to face.
Experiencing power outage and flooded plants, exporters will have to face the declining price competitiveness of their products.
Departing is kind of inevitable test, in which if your love is not solid enough, you have to face the failure without any grudge.
September 2007, Rome - Climate change is emerging as one of the main challenges humankind will have to face for many years to come.
Chinese national brands pale in comparison with those world-class brands, which is a fact we can not deny and a reality we have to face.
Chinese national brands pale in comparison with those world-class brands, which is a fact we can not deny and a reality we have to face.