Similar to Hazard Analysis Critical Control points (HACCP), organic Control points (OCPs) are points in a handling system where the integrity of the organic product may be compromised.
Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) to evaluate water quality security of fine drinking water is introduced.
It's elaborated how to conduct hazard analysis and confirm critical control points for all the processes in the production of mineral water.
The hazard analysis and critical control points(HACCP) approach was used to identify the critical control points in the production of instant noodle sauce.
运用 危害分析及关键控制点(HACCP)原理对方便面调味酱包生产过程进行了 危害 分析及关键控制。
Objective The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system was applied in the processing of fast box food in order to protect the people's health.
Objective The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system was applied in the processing of fast box food in order to protect the people's health.