The seismicity in yunnan region in the20th century occupies a front place in Chinese mainland in extremely high frequency strength and hazard rate.
Based on a prior information on the reliability or on the hazard rate, the posterior distributions of reliability parameters, such as reliability, reliable life, are derived.
The moral hazard crept in because they said, hey we can borrow at a high rate.
Accident tree analysis is applied to risk analysis and a mathematical model is established, including fire model, effective release rate model, heat intensity threshold and hazard area equation.
This model is based on gas release rate and jet fire model to estimate the hazard area.
In general, outcome measures included relative risks or rate ratios (RR), odds ratios (or), hazard ratios (HR).
To overcome the moral hazard, we must increase the inhabitant's travel rate, widen the time horizon of the travel agencies, and improve the market competition.
To discourage moral hazard the interest rate should be at a penalty rate and, reflecting the rising risk, increase with the amount borrowed.
In an asymmetric information credit market, interest rate and collateral requirements have adverse selection effect to different risk preference, and may cause moral hazard.
In an asymmetric information credit market, interest rate and collateral requirements have adverse selection effect to different risk preference, and may cause moral hazard.