This is clearly a conciliatory gesture towards his wife, Cherie, who has not seen as much of him as she might have hoped and he admits it.
He admits it is difficult to make accurate comparisons, because the research is still in its infancy.
Arsene Wenger remains comfortable with his decision to start William Gallas against Barcelona on Wednesday, even though he admits it turned out to be a mistake.
On the basketball court, James is chasing his first NBA championship ring - and he admits it would be a dream to achieve his goal alongside a 19th league title for Liverpool.
His daughter, who is also highly allergic to peanuts, would be able to sit next to someone eating a peanut dish without experiencing a reaction, he says, though he admits it would make her uneasy.
Like a recovering alcoholic, he admits this frailty so that he can guard against it.
"It was difficult, the first time I saw an animal killed in one of these ceremonies," he admits.
Even if it does, he admits, the implementation would be financially daunting.
He admits to surprise that Airbus did not cancel the order first, so it could focus on meeting orders for pricier passenger versions of the aircraft.
The challenge, he admits, is to explain why it is that mathematical statements can be definitively true or false, not subject to taste or whim.
Hardly any entrepreneurs have MBAs, Mr Khurana admits. But he believes a professional licence could still be a useful qualification even if it was not a requirement for all managers.
But Mr Hill also admits that he never thought it would take this long to shut Yongbyon down: supposed to be done in just a few weeks, it has taken five months to achieve.
Though he is cautiously optimistic about the M9, Komenich admits that it all comes down to the specs: “What digital’s done is made it harder to be sentimental about a camera.”
He had given up drinking because of his health, and admits that "the craving for a wine-party has been infinite and endless for two years, so much so sometimes that it has brought me close to tears."
He admits that this is still an unproven hypothesis, but it is one worth considering.
But Redknapp readily admits it is a competition he is not keen for his team to compete in next season.
Mr Marchionne admits that Dodge has value only in the US, and the reason he did not shut it was "volume" - it was too big to fail.
Mr Marchionne admits that Dodge has value only in the US, and the reason he did not shut it was “volume” – it was too big to fail.
Raúl lacks his brother's charisma and it is not clear how he will deliver the “structural and conceptual changes” he admits the economy needs.
What's more, arguing that Eton is a good school because it only admits boys is like saying Wayne Rooney is a good footballer because he wears a nice kit – one does not necessarily lead to the other.
It cannot yet handle more complex counter-measures, he admits, but these are harder to deploy than critics imagine.
The son makes it happen, but he candidly admits he is only living out his father's dream.
But he also admits it is difficult to predict what he will actually do now he is the state's chief executive.
He admits that he's not quite sure why the rate of new English articles is slowing down but he's not concerned by it.
He admits some people may scoff at his statement, given that it is rooted in accountants getting their act together, rather than regulators bringing them to heel.
This news hits Abruzzi hard, but it gets worse when Maggio admits he also killed Jimmy's son.
This news hits Abruzzi hard, but it gets worse when Maggio admits he also killed Jimmy's son.