Michael Jackson's dad reluctantly admitted Monday that he beat the superstar and the rest of his musical brood - but insisted it was for their own good.
迈克尔·杰克逊的父亲周一勉强承认他曾打了这位超级巨星和他的其他几个有音乐才华的孩子们- - -但是乔坚称这是为了他们好。
Michael Jackson's dad reluctantly admitted Monday that he beat the superstar and the rest of his musical brood - but insisted it was for their own good.
迈克尔·杰克逊的父亲周一勉强承认他曾打了这位超级巨星和他的其他几个有音乐才华的孩子们- - -但是乔坚称这是为了他们好。