He seems to have grasped that he has an image problem. He has hired a new, affable spokesman and is courting foreign journalists for the first time.
Not only does Clarke have an affable and easy manner on television - a skill which still eludes Brown everywhere but on the GMTV sofa - he also knows where the economic bodies are buried.
And Mr Medvedev, despite his affable image, might be no pushover: by virtue of occupying the Kremlin, he would inevitably gather greater authority.
In cartoons he was soon depicted as a bulldog, hardly the most affable of creatures.
Since he comes across as affable and reasonable, both to party activists and swing voters, he will probably do this well.
He had an affable and haughty air, and a mouth which was always smiling, since it did not shut.
He is an average, affable young Indian, and like so many of his kind he has a sense of life's possibilities.
He has not only an exquisite appearance, but an affable character.
He was the more affable on the surface as secretly he became more apprehensive, felt more hollow.
Affable, friendly, exceedingly shrewd, and speaking French capably, he was admirably suited for his task.
North: A polar bears from the North. With affable personality. And unpredictable background and age. He lives in a lovely refrigerator room, and the air-conditioned would not be turn off all the year.
An affable smile. He found her parents very affable.
When he does not know how to start, actually the mistake arising out of chance circumstances has known affable dentistry product supplier Andy · Feidler (Eugene · the Liewei decoration).
He came across as an affable chap, particularly when compared with his uptight rival.
Marcos Baghdatis: Affable Cypriot can play on clay but he has yet to show the resolve and work ethic to match his talent. Starts out with a tough opponent in Sebastien Grosjean.
Marcos Baghdatis: Affable Cypriot can play on clay but he has yet to show the resolve and work ethic to match his talent. Starts out with a tough opponent in Sebastien Grosjean.