He begs for mercy and forgiveness.
He begs me, exhorts me, commands me to work.
She begs Paul to take her away from the town once he has exacted his revenge.
He begs his teacher to talk twice as quickly so that class will be over in half the time.
The count urgently wants to see you. He begs you to come to him at once on very important business.
She knows he'll be devastated when he comes back to his senses. When he silences her, she begs him to get help from his friends.
Meanwhile, Mingcheng learns that Jialing is suffering from bone cancer. He begs his mother to give Jialing a happy life before she dies.
Desperate tosalvage his career, he begs Roark to design one last building for him: alow-income housing project to be called Cortland Homes.
Desperate to salvage his career, he begs Roark to design one last building for him: a low-income housing project to be called Cortland Homes.
You'll be able to reinforce this lesson every time you're in a store with him and he begs for candy or a new toy. Ask him, "Is that a need or a want?"
But you're only human, and sometimes it's hard to resist your dog's sweet stare as he begs you with his eyes to share some of your delicious homo sapien cuisine.
While bemoaning his plight he remembers suddenly that the doctor had recommended a more liberal diet. He begs me at once to sit down and make up a menu with plenty of fish and meat.
If to train of thought of the circuitous tactics, the interviewer may think that begs the question, if the boot several remains evasive words, he never hired.
As he gets down on one knee the girl begs him to stop but he continues: 'And I Just have one question for you. You truly make me that happiest person on earth.
Tickle him, and he laughs, rolls around, and begs you to stop because its too much.
The younger brother likes game, liking sunlight, so the small face is always insolate very black, however, just because of this he just begs for a person to like.
Self begs for mercy, but, over speaker phone, he hears her being shot dead by a Company agent.
We've seen quite a lot that when a boy breaks up with a girl, the girl makes a scene and begs the boy to stay, or when a boy is dumped by his girlfriend, he turns his love to hatred.
At the remand prison, a remorseful Jinlong begs for Peishan's forgiveness. He also expresses his wish to donate his cornea to Shixian in order to redeem himself.
When Reithofer shuttles between Penzberg and Munich, he surges down the A95, a speed-limit-free stretch of highway that begs for a car like his 12-cylinder 7-series.
When Reithofer shuttles between Penzberg and Munich, he surges down the A95, a speed-limit-free stretch of highway that begs for a car like his 12-cylinder 7-series.