A grocery store was a place where you told the clerk behind the counter what you wanted and he fetched it for you.
He opened the small box and took out an ac adapter, leaned across the counter, and took mine.
Pero goes into the kitchen and comes back holding the mangled tail of a mortar shell he keeps under the counter.
Wells walked out, sucking on a Dum Dum lollipop he grabbed from the counter, hopped into his car, and drove off.
威尔士口里含着一根在柜台上拿的Dum Dum棒棒糖,出了门,开车走了。
In the late evening, Paiko was still sitting on a worn brown wooden seat behind the counter. He was beginning to get worried.
When he moved closer to the counter, he heard buyers in the front begging the seller "Please sell me some lean meat if the fat one is sold out."
A businessman named Tang from Bellevue, Washington, snapped the photo Friday on his phone when he spotted Gary Locke at the counter of an airport Starbucks.
After knowing what he really wanted, we took him to the counter where tapes and discs of Chinese folk music are sold and gave him some advice on what to choose.
When Clarence Saunders opened his first Piggly Wiggly in 1916, a grocery store was a place where you told the clerk behind the counter what you wanted and he fetched it.
1916年ClarenceSaunders的第一家Piggly Wiggly开业,当时,在这样的小杂货店里你需要什么东西就跟柜台后面的售货员说一声,他会帮你拿。
Why this is a mistake: you might think Chewie knows you're screaming at him because he ate the loaf of bread on the counter, but he won't connect your behavior with his action.
Teach a cat or a dog to stay off the counter, say, by arranging sheet pans in a pile that will clatter to the floor if he jumps up. The counter, not you, will become the thing to fear.
Just by running his fingers over the counter, he designed a snowboard with different colours and patterns. When he was happy with the result, he placed his mobile phone on the surface.
He said the country needed a strong intelligence service to counter espionage, terrorism, and foreign extremists.
He propped his elbows upon a greasy counter.
He kneels next to a counter and continues filling up additional bags.
Though losing his hearing, Marley could (and did) still steal food from the kitchen counter; he just couldn't tell that he was about to be caught in the act.
In May, Medvedev announced that he was setting up a new body to counter what he called the "falsification of history".
When he got up to the cashier's counter, he realized that the cashier looked sad.
He ultimately invented the Geiger counter that bears his name.
He likes to talk about the oddness of "counter-insurgency maths".
He practised at the pawnshop counter for many years.
Even at his club he resents seeing it, and excludes it if it happens to run counter to the opinions of all the members.
Hughes thought Bellamy was "outstanding" against Arsenal and, referring to the player's pace, added that "in a counter-attacking sense he is one of the best out there".
As for over-the-counter eyedrops for people who have no eye-related medical condition, he said: "They are typically a waste of money."
As for over-the-counter eyedrops for people who have no eye-related medical condition, he said: "They are typically a waste of money."