The king was very reluctant, for he did not know what fate his other sons has met.
And then suddenly, out across the fields he went, he did not know what he was doing.
The young boy was eager to make the woman less unhappy, but he did not know what to do.
The young boy was eager to make the matron less unhappy, but he did not know what to do.
He did not know what he was going to say - younger, fitter? But Dumbledore merely smiled.
Then the Seigneur turned away and the baker went out discouraged, for he did not know what to do.
They were dazzlingly white with long necks. They were swans. He did not know what the birds were.
After years of consideration, he knew that he was really liked her, but he did not know what to do.
Arsenal's manager Arsene Wenger said at the time that he did not know what Kr Kroenke's plans were.
Aware of their high incidence of the day is coming, he did not know what will make their own crazy things.
At one time the woman worked for a long-term care facility, he said, but he did not know what kind of work she did there.
Harry swayed where he stood: The dark, foul-smelling room seemed to close around him again; he did not know what had just happened.
He did not know what he had expected: that the room would be draped in black, perhaps, or even that Dumbledore's body might be lying there.
After many days he came to the great, gray-green, greasy Limpopo River, but he did not know what the crocodile looked like or where to find him.
My father tells me that when I was born, he felt so happy and nervous, it was the first time for him to be a father, so he did not know what to do.
She did not know what she should or could have done differently, and therefore wanted to hear from the judge, she seemed to know everything, what he would have done.
The charity CD, priced at NZ$4.99 ($3.93), contained an instrumental and a vocal version of the song, but Kerridge said he did not know what kind of music dogs would hear.
The next morning, after saying his prayers, he was about to return to his work when he found the shoes on his workbench, completely finished. Amazed, he did not know what to say.
But as he could only see, not hear, he did not know what anyone was saying and, once the fighting had stopped and the talking had begun, it was not worth while looking in the pool any longer.
Red-Cap did not know what a wicked creature he was, and was not at all afraid of him.
What he did not know was that the faithful Liza had found it, and put it back on his wash-stand.
Little Tukey did not at all know what he had dreamed, but the loving God knew it.
And, many centuries after the man of Ephesus, Socrates, facing the threat of being condemned to death, acknowledged only this one superiority in himself: what he did not know he did not claim to know.
There was too much ignorance in Jean Valjean, even after his misfortune, to prevent much vagueness from still lingering there. At times he did not rightly know himself what he felt.
Uncle Henry never laughed. He worked hard from morning till night and did not know what joy was.
What he did not know-indeed, what no one knew until now-is that most cars would not work without the intervention of one of his most famous discoveries, the special theory of relativity.
What he did not know-indeed, what no one knew until now-is that most cars would not work without the intervention of one of his most famous discoveries, the special theory of relativity.