At his father's bedside, Fan Dachong, the eldest son, promised he would look after the books.
Charles: the eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the British throne. He was invested as Prince of Wales in 1969.
He was austere and demanding, partly because of his personality, but partly because I was the eldest son of the family.
As the eldest son of Zeng Guofan, the main minister in the late Qing dynasty, Zeng Jize was given a strict education when he was young.
The king was not a terribly cruel man, and so he granted the wish, adding, "but you must come back tomorrow. " The eldest son hurried home.
国王不是一个绝情的人,因此他恩准了老大的请求,跟著说,“你明天必须回来服刑。” 于是, 老大匆忙赶返家中。
As the boys grew, they learned to appreciate their gifts. The eldest son promised his father that one day he would reap the benefits of his sons' wondrous skills.
Ji Zha refused because he thought the king's eldest son should be the one to receive the throne.
In the spirit of setting up family rituals from day one, we enrolled our eldest son in swimming lessons when he was 6 months old.
The gardener set his eldest son to watch; but about twelve o'clock he fell asleep, and in the morning another of the apples was missing.
于是,园丁派了他的大儿子去看守苹果树,但是到了晚上12点的时候,园丁的大儿子睡着了。 当他第二天早上醒来时,发现树上的苹果又少了一个。
Their eldest son, Ivan, died in February last year aged six. He had suffered from cerebral palsy and severe epilepsy.
The dispute is over Tripp, his infant son by Palin's eldest daughter, Bristol: he claims Palin is preventing him from seeing the child.
But Mr Warren has implied that he doesn't want the position, and no one else—not even Franklin Graham, Billy's eldest son—quite fits the bill.
It also tells of his personal pain when both his mother and his eldest son died in the space of 12 months between 1968 and 1969, and how he was not all owed to attend their funerals.
Revelations on the state of her eldest son Charles's marriage continued, and he divorced in 1996.
在美国的揭露她的大儿子查尔斯的婚姻离婚还在继续,他于1996 年。
He did his own gardening, moving the lawn, planting bulbs. He supervised his son and eldest grandson building a trellis for the roses in the back yard.
The king was determined to own this treasure. So he sent his eldest son to slay the dragon and bring back the golden rose.
Englishok Editor's Note:Michael Jackson always maintained he was blighted by a rare skin disease called vitiligo. And it seems his eldest son, Prince Michael may be suffering from the same problem.
Recently, the South African newspapers have reported the overwhelming grief, the death of Mandela's eldest son, he is also the last one is still alive, the elderly son, only 54-year-old.
Recently, the South African newspapers have reported the overwhelming grief, the death of Mandela's eldest son, he is also the last one is still alive, the elderly son, only 54-year-old.