He hurried home, leaving his keys in the office.
The work having being finished, he hurried home.
He hurried home for the straw and then hurried back to the market again.
He was very glad to get a good piece of wood. He hurried home with it. At once he made a new handle of his ax.
He hurried home to bring a spade, but when he got to the rath again he could not find the spot where he had seen it.
The king was not a terribly cruel man, and so he granted the wish, adding, "but you must come back tomorrow. " The eldest son hurried home.
国王不是一个绝情的人,因此他恩准了老大的请求,跟著说,“你明天必须回来服刑。” 于是, 老大匆忙赶返家中。
So be careful liar hurried home to tell mother, xiao li said he is not at ease, the mother said: "if not, you give me your passbook, province which day accidentally be cheated."
Cowherd heart there is a sense of foreboding, he hurried to pick up the tools and come home.
He was rattled. He hurried to his car and set off for home, hoping he was imagining things, which he had never hoped before, because he didn't approve of imagination.
He took no notice of the silver, but took out as many bags of gold as his donkeys could carry, and hurried home.
He took no notice of the silver, but took out as many bags of gold as his donkeys could carry, and hurried home.