A wolf call is the noise made by a man to show that he likes the way a woman looks.
There is a belief that God made the earth and universe with His spoken word. That same belief says that he made man in His own image.
But he is better regarded as an escapee from India who made his fortune only after leaving the country as a young man.
There is a belief that God made the earth and universe with His spoken word. That same belief says that He made man in His own image. If that be true, what does that say of our spoken words?
Light pollution is a problem that has been accompanying man ever since he started his first fire some 15,000 years ago, and technology has only made it worse.
Light pollution is a problem that has been accompanying man ever since he started his first fire some 15, 000 years ago, and technology has only made it worse.
As for the silly costume, he is made to wear it for a war-bond drive that reinvents the montage sequences of 1940s cinema as an intricately layered 3d musical number, "Star Spangled Man".
Despite having already made solo free climbs of 10 cliffs during his career, Mr Honnold is modest about the reputation he has earned as a fearless mountain man.
Ask any man who has been in a relationship and he is sure to tell you that more than the expensive dates and costly gifts, the small gestures and little things made all the difference.
Now there is a man who says he has found a new way to made that diagnoses.
Man is made in such a way that he continually has to define himself and continually escape his own definitions.
The word "sin" should be changed to "lack of love," because "sin" is a man-made word with threat connotations which he made up himself.
Known throughout the world as the man who made the amazing penalty shootout save against Romania in the 1994 FIFA World Cup, he is a true footballing legend in Sweden.
He has kept the role ever since, including in both legs of the Champions League semi-final against Arsenal, but made it clear recently that he is still a reluctant wide man.
A man who dresses the United States Olympic team for the opening and closing ceremonies, and who (because he got in trouble, admittedly) is now doing so in Made-in-America stuff.
But he never lost his conviction that "Sickness is man-made" and that people would choose a healthier way if only shown how.
He is not only a great master who has worked arduously for more than 70 years in the field of painting, but also a man who has made important contributions in exploring artistic concepts.
One exception, already canonical, is the photograph of the man made to stand on a box, hooded and sprouting wires, reportedly told he would be electrocuted if he fell off.
MAN is one of a number of animals that make things, but man is the only one that depends for its very survival on the things he has made.
He then becomes a 'made man', which is also called 'a man of honour'.
Man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but he can not be defeated.
To this day he remains a persistent critic of papal infallibility, which he claims is man-made (and thus reversible) rather than instituted by God.
Through his sense of humor, he made learning more enjoyable and more lasting, if it is true that life makes a wise man smile and a foolish man cry, then my friend is indeed a wise man.
He is, I believe, and extremely dedicated and honest man who, through his Labour and love, has made a real difference in the lives of many children.
He is, I believe, and extremely dedicated and honest man who, through his Labour and love, has made a real difference in the lives of many children.