It's awfully easy for a man to puff up his chest and put on a show, but how can you know if he is a real man worth dating?
男人鼓出胸肌、秀出肌肉很容易,但是你要怎么知道他是不是一个值得交往的男子汉呢? 男子汉愿意毫不犹豫采取行动男子汉事事就征求你的允许;
Whoever he is, a common man can be called a real hero when he is admired by us for doing something brave or good.
The real criminal is a short heavy man and he has short brown hair.
His vocal unmatched in China, he's a Chinese entertainment industry's only a good man, Dare to admit his marriage, he has said that business is definitely not a man of all, This's a real man.
There are two things a real man like-danger and play; and he likes woman because she is the most dangerous of plaything .
He writes a series of character image, mostly is the good-looking man pretty girl, the wealth sub-beautiful woman, both some ideals, and does not lack the real life average person's shadow.
The real dignity of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has.
A man is not known by his effervescence but by the amount of real suffering he can stand.
The real dignity of a man lies in what he is, not in what he has.
Even though Dracula is not a real person, he was based on a real man who was much more evil.
They say that a man is not a real one until he hears his name from the lips of a woman... It could be.
The boy is a very handsome french boy. he is about 1.7 metre tall, which is the same with me, but he seems more like a real man.
When a man wins success, people say, "he is a genius." But the real cause for his success was that the love of knowledge led to the effort to obtain it.
Behind every real worker in the world is a real man, and a man has a right to know the conditions under which he must live, and the choices of knowledge, power, and activity which are offered him.
Behind every real worker in the world is a real man, and a man has a right to know the conditions under which he must live, and the choices of knowledge, power, and activity which are offered him.
He is, I believe, and extremely dedicated and honest man who, through his Labour and love, has made a real difference in the lives of many children.
The man, who can express his apology as soon as he knows what he did just now is wrong, is a real wise.
A man who can get up and go to work even though he is tired is a real man!
A man who can get up and go to work even though he is tired is a real man!