If he isn "t worth it now he" s not going to be wirth it a year or 10 years from now.
If the star in question brings in enough business he is worth more; otherwise he isn "t."
A man can fail many times, but he isn "t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. J."
I actually think he hurts this team if used coming off of screens, because a he doesn't cut hard and b he isn 'ta very good shooter.
But he isn "t throttling back his ambitions: he announced an upgrade of the Bernabeu stadium and the construction of a Disney-style theme park at the club" s training grounds in Madrid.
True, the robot De Ming (Alex Fong) featured in the movie isn`t a bird or a plane, but neither is he a character that will linger in your mind beyond 2009.
He takes advantage of her ignorance and simplicity; it isn 't cricket.
This is not because you feel he (or she?) deserves a break - it isn\; t your job to play social engineer.
He "s never slept with his wife. He says it isn" t honorable to sleep with a married woman.
Zhao Kai isn 't addicted to playing computer games any more now. He has made great progress in his study.
This is not because you feel he (or she?) deserves a break - it isn "t your job to play social engineer."
This is not because you feel he (or she?) deserves a break - it isn "t your job to play social engineer."