He put forward the idea of hybrid rice, did experiments on the farm, and succeeded in 1973.
He waited until everyone had had a say and he had had the opportunity of thinking things over before he put forward a different view from the rest.
He put forward the thinking of "two overall concerns".
Needlesss to say, I don't think much of the proposal he put forward at the meeting.
He put forward the hypothesis that the bones belonged to an extinct type of reptile.
He put forward the goal is undoubtedly right, only to realize the goals means too intense.
The Suggestions of prison reform that he put forward were conducted at the end of the Qing Dynasty.
After returning home, he put forward the initiative with his girlfriend breaking up, and told his family.
But people rejected his view. In addition, they blamed him because the theory he put forward made no sense.
Nida seemed to be a supporter of domestication when he put forward the concept of "closest natural equivalent".
But without positive evidence, people suspected and rejected his view, saying the theory he put forward made no sense.
He put forward some spontaneous but quiet clear dialectics thought on the basis of the opinion of the simple materialism.
He put forward a unique understanding of the technology which had caused the deep introspection in the whole western academia.
He put forward the idea of establishing Trust to face the economic challenge of transformation which led the monopoly to America.
In order to do this, he put forward the method of transcendental reduction, and pushed his phenomenology into the transcendental phenomenology.
He put forward the concept of three factors of happiness and employed the theory of happiness to cure depression and strengthen human sense of happiness.
The alternative course, and the one he put forward this week, is to slog it out. That may be realistic but it also suggests a siege that could outlast Troy's.
He put forward a series of propositions and views about the Chinese ancient local administration system, which is worth using as a reference for us at this late hour.
In Russells opinion, logic should be the foundation of mathematics. Then he put forward his topic that mathematics is the same as logic and it can be deoxidized to logic.
Moreover, he put forward a lot of valuable Suggestions on issues about regional autonomy systems, which in return produced a substantial effect on the system at the time.
He put forward "five wishes" and established "Special Cultivation Abbey with a view to educating personnel for running the country and dreamed of uniting the nation with Taoism.
Zhuangzi was a successor and developer of the Taoist theories. He put forward progressive ideas and philosophical and aesthetic ideas in the form of fable and in a splendid style.
Zhuangzi was a successor and developer of the Taoist theories. He put forward progressive ideas and philosophical and aesthetic ideas in the form of fable and in a splendid style.