Cowan says at the polling places he visited in Pakistan the technical aspects of voting appeared to go smoothly, but he still has concerns.
Her tweet appeared to refer to Bentley's current plight, with the winger still waiting to discover if he will be granted a loan or be sold in the transfer window.
He added that it was due for retirement sometime soon but still appeared to be electronically alive - making it an ideal target.
When noon hour arrived and he still had not appeared, she started making some phone calls.
What of the notion that he has squandered his talent, that he should still be playing for England, for whom he last appeared in the 2002 World Cup?
God appeared to him when he was still living on the other side of the Euphrates river.
He prepared for it obsessively, produced a handout the size of a book, but still appeared tense during his first session.
He is less uneducated than it appeared, but he's still as uneducated as before.
However, chemical decolorization could slightly make darken skins decolored while the hair still appeared black, and melanocytes could be seen obviously after stained with he and HMB45.
However, chemical decolorization could slightly make darken skins decolored while the hair still appeared black, and melanocytes could be seen obviously after stained with he and HMB45.