Mr Liu said he was grateful to our organization, we still have to introduce a few buddies over.
The man was not bitter, but happy and grateful that he was going to die with some dignity and love.
I was fascinated by Fulbright, grateful for the letter he had written for me to the Rhodes Scholarship Committee, and eager to learn more about what small-town Arkansans were thinking.
Mr Irving was savvy enough to be polite about Jews and ingratiatingly grateful to his hosts, but he came across as a broken, paranoid man.
"I was grateful to know he had been diagnosed but it sounded scary," says Sarah, a single mum who lives with Sam in Pontprennau, Cardiff.
The passer by was very grateful to us for directing him when he mistook his way.
That was four years ago, and Mr. Smith's new kidney is still functioning and he is back to his active life, forever grateful to his friend.
He sent thousands of quotation slips to the editor James Murray, and Murray was extremely grateful for the work he did.
Then young squire showed him, as well as he could for laughing, how to put on his breeches, and the stranger was ever so grateful and said he never should have thought of that way.
I looked at the sidewalk, grateful that he didn't seem to be able to know what I was thinking.
The father was so grateful, he told Mr. Su he would be on the lookout for local families who had two sons but were too poor to care for them.
He was always grateful to the Warden of the college, John Sparrow, for his support at this time.
"After you left, " he said in a low voice, grateful for the fact that Ron's face was hidden, "she cried for a week. Probably longer, only she didn't want me to see.
(be grateful to) he is very grateful to those who offered help and support when he was in trouble.
He was also very generous and grateful to the fans as well, signing things for quite some time after the event on both sides of the court.
I think that's what the American writer James Baldwin meant when he said he was always grateful to Paris for the utter indifference with which it treated him.
我认为,当美国作家詹姆斯·鲍德温(James Baldwin)说,他总是对巴黎完全不把自己当回事心怀感激时,就是这个意思。
I knelt down to thank him for his love and compassion and tell him how grateful I was he 'd come into my life.
He was grateful that no pain accompanied his disease, which was apparently a form of skin cancer. He thanked God for giving him the strength to keep going.
He was very 15 relieved and grateful because that is what he's been asking for and it was something that we, you know, had to work toward.
He was very 15 relieved and grateful because that is what he's been asking for and it was something that we, you know, had to work toward.