The straight white parting in her ebony hair seemed to divide the back of her head in half.
Her wiry hair was pushed up on top of her head in an untidy bun.
She had tufty brown hair on her head and on her crotch, and if you used your fingers like forceps and reached up that mound of brown fluff.
The other is for protection—and again this isn't as significant as it was once, but hair does still benefit areas of the body such as the head and around the eyes.
The bulb acts rather like a cap—it encloses the end of the hair in the head.
The wife sprang up, with her hair standing out from her head like flames of fire.
Kevin acquires glasses and a full head of hair, after going to the loo.
You are so special to him, that he keeps track of each hair on your head!
Her head rested on his shoulder, the pleasant smell of her hair conquering the pigeon dung.
A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and masculine features such a strong jaw and a deep voice.
Start touching her hair from the top of her head all the way down to her chin.
As surely as the LORD lives, not a hair of his head will fall to the ground, for he did this today with God's help.
The long and short of it is that being able to multiply these cells while preserving their efficacy opens the way for unlimited supplies of head hair.
Today i still remember what that man looked like: he had a head of blown-up hair like Einstein's, and what was more frightening was its fiery-red color.
Stuart's very different from my first husband - he's half bald, but he reminds me that he once was a young thing with a full head of hair.
Mr Pinker, a professorof psychology at Harvard with a full head of energetically curly hair, isfamous for being super-clever in a relaxed, media-friendly, funky-boffin kindof way.
Trichotillomania is the name given to the habitual plucking or pulling of the hair from the head or other parts of the body.
He smelled like Allspice. The top of his head was shiny and bald with a pure white fringe of abundant shiny hair around the sides of his head.
He did not look or act like his usual self — his face was very red, his hat was on the back of his head, his hair was wildly rumpled.
Then she looked at Fantine, who turned toward her her head bereft of its hair.
I have big ears and a short bunch of hair on my head called a mane. There also are hooves on the bottoms of my feet.
Over two thirds of women prefer straight hair to a head of curls and 48 percent of those polled regularly try to achieve poker-straight hair, according to the research.
He ran the comb straight back on both sides of his head, then mussed the hair in front enough for one little lock to droop over his forehead.
Thine head upon thee is like Carmel, and the hair of thine head like purple; the king is held in the galleries.
Just don't forget that you need to take care of your facial hair the same way you would take care of the hair on your head.
And when I heard this thing, I rent my garment and my mantle, and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard, and sat down astonied.
Contagious: a human head louse clings to a strand of hair.
One medic who was in his fifties, with a full head of gray hair and bushy eyebrows knelt beside Keith.
One medic who was in his fifties, with a full head of gray hair and bushy eyebrows knelt beside Keith.